Document details

Experi?ncias Dissociativas e Traum?ticas em Doentes com Perturba??es do Comportamento Alimentar

Author(s): Gon?alves, Liliane Pinto

Date: 2013

Origin: Repositório Aberto do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Subject(s): Dissocia??o psicoforme - Psychoform dissociation; Dissocia??o somatoforme - Somatoform dissociation; Experi?ncias traum?ticas - Traumatic experiences; Anorexia - Anorexia; Bulimia - Bulimia


Contexto: V?rias investiga??es mostraram que as experi?ncias dissociativas e as experi?ncias traum?ticas se relacionam com as perturba??es do comportamento alimentar. Objectivo: A presente investiga??o tem como objectivo investigar as experi?ncias dissociativas e traum?ticas em doentes com perturba??o do comportamento alimentar. Quisemos saber se as experi?ncias dissociativas e traum?ticas s?o comuns em doentes com patologia alimentar, verificar se h? associa??o entre o trauma e a dissocia??o nestas doentes e, tamb?m quais s?o os factores que predizem a dissocia??o. M?todo: Utiliz?mos a Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (vers?o portuguesa 5.0.0), como meio de diagn?stico das perturba??es do comportamento alimentar; utiliz?mos tamb?m a Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES), a Adolescent Dissociative Scale (A?DES), o Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ?20) e a Traumatic Events Checklist (TEC). Para avaliar os sintomas psicopatol?gicos e a depress?o, administr?mos, respectivamente, o Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) e o Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). A nossa amostra ? constitu?da por mulheres com perturba??es alimentares (N = 38), incluindo mulheres com anorexia nervosa (n = 20) e com bulimia nervosa (n = 18). A m?dia total de idade da nossa amostra ? de 23,92. Resultados: H? diferen?as estatisticamente significativas entre as subamostras na dissocia??o psicoforme (p = 0,02) e na dissocia??o somatoforme (p = 0,00). No total de presen?as traum?ticas, h? diferen?as estatisticamente significativas entre as duas subamostras. O trauma e os sintomas psicopatol?gicos correlacionam?se com a dissocia??o psicoforme e somatoforme. Nesta correla??o destacamos especificamente o trauma ocorrido at? aos 6 anos e o que ocorre na fam?lia de origem. Os sintomas de fobia e o ter uma rela??o s?o preditores de dissocia??o psicoforme; e os sintomas de ansiedade s?o preditores da dissocia??o somatoforme. Conclus?o: Os nossos resultados devem ser vistos a t?tulo de ensaio e como preliminares. A serem confirmados no futuro, as implica??es terap?uticas s?o importantes. Na interven??o terap?utica com doentes com perturba??o alimentar, a avalia??o da dissocia??o e do trauma devia fazer parte da anamnese de rotina. /

Background: Several investigations showed that dissociative and the traumatic experiences are related with eating disorders. Objective: This research aims to investigate the dissociative experiences and trauma in patients with eating disorder. We wanted to know whether the dissociative and trauma experiences are common in patients with eating disorders, to verify is there is an association between trauma and dissociation in this patients and what are the factors that predict dissociation. Method: We used the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (Portuguese version 5.0.0), for the diagnostic of eating disorders, we also used the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES), the Adolescent Dissociative Scale (A?DES), Somatoform Dissociation Scale (SDQ?20) and the Traumatic Events Checklist (TEC). To evaluate the psychopathological symptoms and depression we administered, respectively, the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Our sample consists of women with eating disorders (N = 38), including women with anorexia nervosa (n = 20), and bulimia nervosa (n = 18). The total average age of our sample is 23.92. Results: There are significant differences between the subsamples in psychoform dissociation (p = 0.02) and somatoform dissociation (p = 0.00). In total trauma score there are significant differences between the two subsamples. The trauma and psychopathological symptoms are correlated with psychoform and somatoform dissociation. In this correlations, we highlight the trauma occurred in the first 6 years and trauma with relationship to perpetrador. The symptoms of phobia and being involved in a relationship are predictors of psychoform dissociation. Symptoms of anxiety are predictors of somatoform dissociation. Conclusions: If our results are replicated in the future, therapeutic implications are important. In therapeutic intervention with eating disorders patients, the assessment of dissociation and trauma should be part of routine medical history.

Document Type Master thesis
Language Portuguese
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