Document details

Os limites do desenho: perspetivas contemporâneas: hibridação e transitus

Author(s): Pereira, Maria Dilar da Conceição

Date: 2022

Persistent ID:

Origin: Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa

Subject(s): Desenho; Arte Contemporânea - Séc.20-21; Hibridação; Intermedia; Prática artística; Estudos de caso; Historiografia; Teoria do Desenho; Domínio/Área Científica::Humanidades::Artes


This thesis discusses the limits and the definitions of drawing from the second half of the 20th century onwards. Namely we analize its traits or distinctive characteristics and its ontology, particularly when its identity is played in limit situations. To this end, it presents a historical review of theoretical concepts analysing and reflecting on relevant artistic examples used as cases studies. Through these cases, the thesis shows the mapping of contemporary drawing practices, calling for their reconfiguration in new forms, as well as involving the problem of its limits, its manifestations, and the strategies of transposition between different media. The manifestations and intersections of concepts such as ‘idea’, ‘mark’, ‘process’, ‘materiality’, ‘immateriality’, ‘expanded field’, ‘sensation’, ‘space’, ‘time’, ‘thinking’, ‘event’, ‘experimentation’, ‘interstitially’, and ‘permeability’ are questioned and discussed. Two core features were identified and guided the development of the research: hybridation and transitus. In addition, an artistic component was developed and introduced, through an experimental and intermedia approach that explored the limits of drawing using different means and technologies, such as the manipulation of paper, folding and cutting as a trace, drawing with light, video, sound, and drawing media. This thesis based in a practice-related research, focused on the drawing practices that are enhanced at its limits, in interstitial and liminal spaces characterized by the permeability and the passage — in transitus — between different levels of drawing. The thesis proposes a reconceptualization of drawing as a hybrid and relational territory, in which different strategies of transposition and intermedia transmission come together.

Document Type Doctoral thesis
Language Portuguese
Advisor(s) Marcelino, Américo Luís Enes
Contributor(s) Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa
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