Document details

European integration as seen by Portuguese economists - a long-term view

Author(s): Bastien, Carlos

Date: 2009

Origin: Análise Social

Subject(s): história do pensamento económico; iberismo; integração europeia; integração monetária; history of economic thought; iberianism; European integration; monetary union; .


Portuguese economists have followed the movement for European integration since the beginnings of the modern period of economic growth. As a result of their work, ideas for a variety of projects were disseminated, some of them for Europe as a whole, others to do with the accession of Portugal and Spain. They were often weakly argued and vaguely articulated, and their general impact on society and politics was limited, but they were of some significance in defining strategies for overcoming economic backwardness.


Os economistas portugueses acompanharam o movimento de integração europeia desde o limiar do crescimento económico moderno. Esse acompanhamento resultou na divulgação de múltiplos projectos, uma parte deles referente à Europa no seu conjunto e a outra à integração do espaço ibérico. Frequentemente frágeis na sua fundamentação e vagos no seu articulado, obtiveram um impacto limitado na sociedade e no sistema político, mas não foram irrelevantes na definição das estratégias tendentes a superar o atraso económico.

Document Type Journal article
Language Portuguese
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