Document details

Evaluation of license-plate location algorithms

Author(s): Sequeira, Manuel Menezes de ; Brandão, Tomás ; Albuquerque, Miguel

Date: 2004

Persistent ID:

Origin: Repositório ISCTE

Subject(s): Location; Recognition; License-plate; Licence-plate location; Evaluation; Evaluation of algorithms


We propose a new evaluation method for license-plate location algorithms. As a first step towards a comparison of the algorithms described in the literature over the years, we have implemented some relevant algorithms with different approaches and compared them using the proposed evaluation method. The software used for evaluation and a set of annotated evaluation images are both readily available, making the reproduction of the presented results possible. The availability of both software and an evaluation set allows the results presented in this paper to be used as benchmarks when developing plate location algorithms.

Document Type Conference object
Language English
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