Document details

Trauma e Dissocia??o em V?timas de Viol?ncia Dom?stica

Author(s): Cassimo, Soraia Morais Valente

Date: 2013

Origin: Repositório Aberto do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Subject(s): Trauma - Trauma; Dissocia??o psicoforme - Psychoform dissociation; Dissocia??o somatoforme - Somatoform dissociation; Experi?ncias traum?ticas - Traumatic experiences; Viol?ncia dom?stica - Domestic violence


Contexto: A viol?ncia dom?stica ? um problema universal, um problema de qualidade de vida e de sa?de p?blica. Investiga??o extensa mostra uma rela??o entre trauma e dissocia??o em v?timas de viol?ncia dom?stica. Essas v?timas s?o predominantemente mulheres. Objectivo: ? nosso objectivo estudar o trauma e dissocia??o numa amostra de mulheres v?timas de viol?ncia dom?stica. Sabedoras de que as v?timas de viol?ncia dom?stica tendem a ter sido v?timas de situa??es traum?ticas no passado, quisemos saber que tipos de trauma s?o comuns nesta popula??o. Conhecida a import?ncia do trauma no desenvolvimento da dissocia??o somatoforme e psicoforme, pretendemos tamb?m analisar se as v?timas de viol?ncia dom?stica sofriam de dissocia??o psicoforme e/ou somatoforme. Quisemos ainda averiguar que tipos de trauma e de sintomas psicopatol?gicos se associavam ? dissocia??o patol?gica em mulheres v?timas de viol?ncia dom?stica. Finalmente, pretendemos saber quais as vari?veis que predizem a dissocia??o, quer psicoforme, quer somatoforme. M?todo: Utiliz?mos o Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) e o Invent?rio Depressivo de Beck (BDI) para avaliar os sintomas psicopatol?gicos e a depress?o; aplic?mos o Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) para avaliar as experi?ncias dissociativas e o Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20) para avaliar a dissocia??o somatoforme; para avaliar as experi?ncias traum?ticas us?mos o Traumatic Experiencies Checklist (TEC); finalmente averigu?mos os tipos de viol?ncia dom?stica atrav?s de um invent?rio criado por n?s (Invent?rio de Viol?ncia Dom?stica, IVD) para averiguar os tipos de viol?ncia. A nossa amostra ficou constitu?da por mulheres v?timas de viol?ncia dom?stica (N = 20). A m?dia total de idade da nossa amostra foi de 29,75. Resultados: Estas mulheres revelam valores elevados de absor??o ao n?vel das experi?ncias dissociativas psicoformes. Mostram valores elevados no trauma por ass?dio e abuso sexual. Relativamente aos tipos de viol?ncia, estas mulheres foram mais v?timas de abuso f?sico directo. Nas experi?ncias dissociativas psicoformes, o factor de distractibilidade ? aquele que mais se correlaciona significativamente com a sintomatologia psicopatol?gica. Por sua vez, as experi?ncias dissociativas somatoformes correlacionam-se com a gravidade sintomatol?gica geral e com alguns sintomas psicopatol?gicos, nomeadamente a ansiedade e a fobia. Verificamos que a rela??o entre o trauma e a dissocia??o (psicoforme e somatoforme) n?o ? significativa, nem entre trauma e as outras vari?veis psicopatol?gicas (BDI e BSI). A an?lise log?stica univariada para as categorias da dissocia??o psicoforme revela que nenhuma vari?vel psicopatol?gica em estudo tem impacto. O mesmo se passa com as vari?veis sociodemogr?ficas (idade, estado civil e escolaridade): nenhuma prediz as categorias da DES. A regress?o log?stica m?ltipla mostra que somente a gravidade sintomatol?gica ? preditora da dissocia??o somatoforme. Conclus?o: Os nossos resultados devem ser vistos a t?tulo de ensaio e como preliminares. Conclu?mos que, pela sua import?ncia, este estudo deve ser replicado em amostras maiores. Os resultados indicam que no apoio ? v?tima de viol?ncia dom?stica, se deve dirigir a terapia focada no presente para os sintomas de fobia e de ansiedade. Deve coadjuvar-se com uma terapia dirigida para os problemas passados de neglig?ncia emocional, para perceberem o seu envolvimento na reprodu??o de padr?es relacionais passados.

/ Background: Domestic violence is a universal problem, a problem of quality of life and public health. Extensive research shows a relationship between trauma and dissociation in victims of domestic violence. These victims are mainly female. Objective: It's our goal to study trauma and dissociation in a sample of women victims of domestic violence. Knowing that victims of domestic violence usually have been victims of traumatic situations in the past, we wanted to know what types of trauma are common in this population. Knowing the importance of trauma in the development of psychoform and somatoform dissociation, we wanted to examine whether victims of domestic violence also suffered from psychoform and somatoform. We also wanted to see what types of trauma and psychopathological symptoms are associated with pathological dissociation in women victims of domestic violence. Finally, we want to know what are the variables that predict psychoform and somatoform dissociation. Method: We used the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to assess psychopathological symptoms and depression; we applied the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) to assess dissociative experiences and the Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20) to evaluate the dissociation somatoform; to assess traumatic experiences we used the Traumatic Experiences Checklist (TEC), finally we checked the types of domestic violence through an inventory that we created to determine the types of violence (Inventory of Domestic Violence, IVD). Our sample was composed of women victims of domestic violence (N = 20). The total average age of our sample was 29.75. Results: These women reveal high levels of absorption in psychoform dissociative experiences. They also showed high levels of sexual harassment and abuse. Has to the types of violence, these women were mainly victims of the direct physical abuse. In the dissociative experiences, the distractibility factor of the dissociative psychoform experiences has more significant correlations with psychological symptomatology. In turn, the somatoform dissociative experiences are correlated with the IGS and some psychopathological symptoms, including anxiety and phobia. We found that the relationship between trauma and dissociation (psychoform and somatoform) is not significant, neither is it significant between trauma and other psychopathological variables (BDI and BSI). Logistic regression analysis for the categories of dissociation psychoform shows that no variable psychopathological study has an impact. The same goes for sociodemographic variables (age, marital status and education): none predicts the categories of DES. Multiple logistic regression shows that only the severity of the symptomatology is predictive of somatoform dissociation. Conclusions: Our results should be viewed as tentative and preliminary. We conclude that, because of its importance, this study should be replicated in larger samples. The results indicate that the support for victims of domestic violence should be focused on the symptoms of phobia and anxiety. It should be directed to the past problems of emotional neglect, to perceive their involvement in the reproduction of relational patterns in the past.

Document Type Master thesis
Language Portuguese
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