Document details

Open Space ? Estrat?gia e Concretiza??o: o caso EDP Porto

Author(s): S?o Miguel, ?lvaro Manuel Cardoso ; Dias, Jos? Henrique (Orientador) ; Pinto, Maria Assun??o (Coorientadora)

Date: 2013

Origin: Repositório Aberto do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Subject(s): Open Space - Open Space; Comunica??o - Communication; Necessidades dos trabalhadores - Needs of the workers; Gest?o organizacional - Organizational management


Este estudo centra-se numa investiga??o sobre o conceito de trabalho em open space na nova sede no Porto da empresa Energias de Portugal - SA, tendo em conta a estrat?gia implementada e os resultados conseguidos. Para isso, dissec?mos as premissas apresentadas aos trabalhadores na cerim?nia de inaugura??o do novo espa?o - ?O Open Space opera como plataforma de comunica??o e de partilha de informa??o? e ?O Open Space responde ?s necessidades dos trabalhadores, criando ambientes de trabalho modernos e funcionais?. A fim de avaliarmos o campo emp?rico, constru?mos e envi?mos em formato eletr?nico para o e-mail de todos os trabalhadores da amostra um instrumento de medida que denomin?mos de open space (OS). As ila??es retiradas est?o baseadas nos resultados analisados e discutidos ap?s processamento em SPSS - predictive analytics software and solutions e em reports gr?ficos. O open space da EDP Porto ? um local moderno e funcional, privilegiado em rela??o ? fluidez e partilha de informa??o, capaz de manifestar estrat?gias de neg?cio e de salientar aspetos da marca e da cultura da Empresa. A forma??o/informa??o sobre comportamentos e regras b?sicas a seguir na partilha de um mesmo espa?o, as raz?es de neg?cio que levam a organiza??o a mudar o espa?o de trabalho, a par das vantagens que ambas as partes podem tirar do novo conceito, influencia positivamente ou negativamente a perce??o da mudan?a e o estado emocional dos trabalhadores. O ru?do, a temperatura ambiente, a concentra??o ou a privacidade, s?o alguns dos fatores que poder?o variar com o layout e funcionam como condicionantes de uma maior ou menor satisfa??o ambiental. No entanto, existem sempre quest?es que permanecem pendentes e foi nesse contexto que deix?mos algumas propostas para novas investiga??es num trabalho cient?fico que nunca se esgota. / This study focuses on researching the concept of working in an open space in the new Oporto?s headquarters of the company Energias de Portugal - SA, given the strategy implemented and the results achieved. For this, we dissected the assumptions presented to workers at the inauguration ceremony of the new space - "The Open Space operates as a platform for communication and information sharing" and "The Open Space responds to the needs of workers, creating modern and functional workplaces". In order to evaluate the empirical side, we built and sent, in electronic format, an e-mail to all the workers of the sample with a measurement tool that we called the open space (OS). The conclusions are based on the results analyzed and discussed after being processed in SPSS - predictive analytics software and solutions and graphs in reports. The open space of the EDP Oporto is a modern and functional place, privileged in relation to fluidity and information sharing, capable of manifesting business strategies and highlight aspects of the brand and culture of the Company. The training/information on behaviors and basic rules to follow when sharing the same space, the business reasons that lead the organization to change the workspace, along with the advantages that both parties can benefit from the new concept, influence positively or negatively the perception of change and the emotional state of workers. Noise, temperature, concentration or privacy, are some of the factors that may vary with the layout and function as constraints in a greater or lesser environmental satisfaction. However, there are always issues that remain outstanding and it was in this context that we made some proposals for further research in a scientific paper that never runs out.

Document Type Master thesis
Language Portuguese
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