Document details

A Aliena??o Parental na Perspetiva dos Progenitores Alienados

Author(s): Meireles, Margarida Leit?o

Date: 2014

Origin: Repositório Aberto do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Subject(s): Aliena??o parental - Parental alienation; S?ndrome de Aliena??o Parental - Parental Alienation Syndrome; Progenitores alienados - Alienated parents


A aliena??o parental ? um fen?meno que atinge cada vez mais pais e crian?as em todo o mundo. O fen?meno foi descrito em 1985, pelo psiquiatra norte-americano Richard Gardner, como o fen?meno pelo qual a crian?a ? programada pelo progenitor alienador, com o intuito de romper os la?os de afetividade com o progenitor alienado. Esta investiga??o tem como finalidade analisar o fen?meno da aliena??o parental na perspetiva dos progenitores alienados. Desta forma, esta investiga??o pretende alargar os estudos j? efetuados e ainda refor?a-los na medida em que pretendemos analisar a posi??o do progenitor alienado. O nosso objetivo geral ? a an?lise do fen?meno da aliena??o parental atrav?s das perce??es tidas pelos progenitores alienados. Foram aplicados treze inqu?ritos por question?rio e ainda uma entrevista semiestruturada a quatro participantes. A partir dos resultados, foi-nos poss?vel concluir que n?o ? necess?rio haver conflito conjugal para ocorrer um conflito parental e que as principais estrat?gias descritas pelos participantes s?o a programa??o e manipula??o da crian?a contra o outro progenitor, a desqualifica??o do outro progenitor, a chantagem emocional ?s crian?as, a priva??o de contacto entre o progenitor alienado e a crian?a e a priva??o de informa??es de particular interesse sobre a vida das crian?as. Os participantes destacam ainda os impactos que o conflito parental teve sob v?rios campos das suas vidas, desde o emocional, ao familiar, ao laboral e ao financeiro. Referem os diferentes tipos de apoios e interven??es procuradas na solu??o do problema e destacam o papel dos Grupos de M?tua Ajuda da Associa??o Para a Igualdade Parental e Direitos dos Filhos. Com a presente investiga??o pretendemos n?o s? dar um contributo para o estudo do fen?meno da aliena??o parental, mas tamb?m um contributo para a interven??o do Servi?o Social. / Parental Alienation is a phenomenon that reaches more parents and children all over the world. That phenomenon was discovered by Richard Gardner, in 198, as the phenomenon whereby the child suffers a brainwashing by de alienating parent, in order to break the bonds of affection with the alienated parent. This research aims to analyze the phenomenon of parental alienation in the perspective of the alienated parents. This research aims to extend studies have made and reinforces what we intend to analyze the position of the alienated parent. Our general purpose is the analysis of the phenomenon of parental alienation through the perceptions conceived by alienated parents. Thirteen questionnaire surveys and four semi-structured interview were applied . From the results, it was concluded that there it is not necessary to have a marital conflict to exist a parental conflict. Other strategies are described by the participants: programming and manipulation of children against another parent , make a disqualification to the other parent , privation of contact between the alienated parent and child and privation of special information about the life of children . Participants also refer about the impacts that parental conflict had in various fields of their lives. The participants relate the different types of interventions to solve their problem and reported the role of Mutual Help Groups of the Association for Parental Equality and Rights of Children. In this research we aim to not only make a contribution to the study of the phenomenon of parental alienation, but also a contribution to the Social Work intervention.

Document Type Master thesis
Language Portuguese
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