Document details

Protec??o do Direito da Crian?a e do Adolescente ? Conviv?ncia Familiar em Cabo Verde

Author(s): Almeida, Domingas Trindade Tavares

Date: 2014

Origin: Repositório Aberto do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Subject(s): Direitos da crian?a e do adolescente - Rights of children and adolescents; Protec??o do direito ? conviv?ncia familiar - Protection of the right to family life; Escola da fam?lia - Family school


O objectivo da presente disserta??o de mestrado prende-se com a an?lise da protec??o do direito da crian?a e do adolescente ? conviv?ncia familiar em Cabo Verde, na actual conjuntura demogr?fica e s?cio-econ?mica da popula??o. Com o nascimento da na??o em 1975, Cabo Verde deu in?cio ao processo interno de constru??o do ordenamento jur?dico da protec??o de menores, especialmente a partir de 1982. Ao ratificar a Conven??o dos Direitos da Crian?a e a Carta Africana dos Direitos e Bem-estar da Crian?a, entre outros documentos do direito internacional, actualiza o direito interno com a cria??o do Instituto Caboverdiano da Crian?a e do Adolescente ? (ICCA) e o Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente (ECA). Estes documentos privilegiam o direito ? conviv?ncia familiar, sobre a tradicional medida de internamento aplicada ?s crian?as e adolescentes em risco. A implementa??o do Projecto Escola da Fam?lia, dirigido ?s fam?lias das crian?as do Programa de Acolhimento Institucional (PAI) e de outros programas e projectos do ICCA, pretende contribuir para o refor?o das rela??es e conviv?ncia entre os pais e outros familiares com as crian?as institucionalizadas e, ao mesmo tempo, promover a consciencializa??o para a necessidade de implementar pol?ticas e programas de resposta ?s necessidades concretas destas, bem como da popula??o pobre no geral. / The purpose of this master?s thesis deals with the analysis of the protection of the rights of children and adolescents to family life in Cape Verde, in the current socio-economic and demographic conditions of the population. With the attainment of independence in 1975, Cape Verde initiated the process of building the internal legal system of protecting minors, especially from 1982 onwards. By ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the child, among other documents of international law, the domestic law was updated with the creation of the Cape Verdean Institute for Children and Adolescents (CVICA) and the Statute of Children and Adolescents (SCA). These documents focus onthe right to family life and on the traditional measure of reception as due to children and adolescents at risk. The implementation of the Family School Project, directed principally to families of children, on the Institutional Reception Programme (IRP) and other programs as well as the projects of the CVICA, whose aims is to contribute to the strengthening of relations and interaction between parents and other family members, children who are at IRPprogramme and at the same time,this raises an awareness for the need to implement policies and programs to the practical needs of these as well as the poor in general.

Document Type Master thesis
Language Portuguese
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