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As Mem?rias de Inf?ncia, o Mindfulness, a Esperan?a e Estados Emocionais na Adolesc?ncia

Author(s): Fernandes, Ana Rita Alves ; Cunha, Marina (Orientadora)

Date: 2018

Origin: Repositório Aberto do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Subject(s): Mem?rias emocionais positivas - Positive emotional memories; Mem?rias precoces de calor e seguran?a - Early memories of warmth and security; Afectividade positiva e negativa - Positive and negative affectivity; Mindfulness - Mindfulness; Esperan?a - Hope


Introdu??o: Os estudos realizados sobre experi?ncias precoces na inf?ncia, revelam que estas desempenham um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento e matura??o do indiv?duo, podendo diminuir a vulnerabilidade ? manifesta??o de problemas psicol?gicos. Por outro lado, as compet?ncias de mindfulness e os sentimentos de esperan?a parecem funcionar como mecanismos que promovem o ajustamento e bem-estar psicol?gico. Objetivos: O objectivo central deste estudo ? explorar as rela??es entre as mem?rias emocionais positivas, a esperan?a e as compet?ncias de mindfulness, assim como o seu papel sobre o bem-estar psicol?gico medido pelo afeto positivo e pelo afeto negativo em adolescentes. M?todo: A amostra deste estudo ? constitu?da por 402 adolescentes (173 rapazes e 229 raparigas) com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 18 anos a frequentarem o ensino b?sico e secund?rio do ensino regular e ensino profissional. Foram utilizadas 4 escalas de auto ? resposta a Escala de Mem?rias Precoces de Calor e Seguran?a (EMWSS-A), a Avalia??o da Aceita??o e Mindfulness para Crian?as (CAMM), a Escala de Esperan?a para Crian?as (EEC) e a Medida da Afetividade Positiva e Negativa para Crian?as (PANAS-C). Resultados: O g?nero mostrou influenciar apenas o afeto negativo, evidenciando as raparigas mais afeto negativo que os rapazes. A idade e escolaridade n?o mostraram qualquer rela??o com as vari?veis em estudo. Relativamente ao N?vel Socioecon?mico (NSE), os adolescentes do n?vel socioecon?mico alto apresentam valores mais elevados de mem?rias de calor e seguran?a na inf?ncia, mais esperan?a e mais afeto positivo, comparativamente aos adolescentes do NSE baixo. Os alunos sem reprova??es escolares exibiram mais mem?rias emocionais positivas e mais esperan?a. As compet?ncias de mindfulness, a esperan?a, as mem?rias de calor e seguran?a e o afeto positivo e negativo mostraram correla??es significativas entre si e no sentido esperado. Finalmente, o conjunto de vari?veis que melhor prediz o afeto positivo inclui a esperan?a, as mem?rias precoces de calor e seguran?a e as compet?ncias de mindfulness, explicando este modelo 28% da vari?ncia. No caso do afeto negativo, o mindfulness foi o melhor preditor, seguido pela esperan?a e, por ?ltimo pelas mem?rias emocionais positivas. Conclus?es: Esta investiga??o real?ou o papel das mem?rias emocionais positivas, do mindfulness e da esperan?a na manifesta??o de estados afetivos, sugerindo que podem funcionar como promotores do afeto positivo e protetoras do afeto negativo. Neste sentido, estas vari?veis podem enriquecer os programas de interven??o que procuram promover o ajustamento ou bem-estar psicol?gico dos adolescentes. / Introducion: Studies of early childhood experiences reveal that they play a key role in the development and maturation of the individual, and can reduce the manifestation of vulnerability to psychological problems. On the other hand, the skills of Mindfulness and feelings of hope seem to function as mechanisms that promote the adjustment and psychological well-being. Objectives: The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between positive emotional memories, hope and Mindfulness skills, as well as his role on the psychological well-being measured by positive affect and negative affect by adolescents. Method: The sample of this study is constituted by 402 adolescents (173 boys and 229 girls) with ages understood between the 12 and 18 years old, and it will frequent the high school and professional education. It was utilized 4 scales of Likert, Early Memories of Warmth and Safeness Scale (EMWSS-A), Children and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM), Children Hope Scale (EEC) and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS-N). Results: The gender showed only influences negative Affect, showed well that the girls has more negative affection than boys. The age and schooling didn?t show any relation with the variables in study. Relatively to the Socioeconomic Level (SEL), the adolescents of high socioeconomic level present values more elevated of memories of early memories of warmth and Safeness in childhood, more hope and more positive affection, comparatively to the adolescent of the SEL low. The students without school disapprovals exhibited more positive emotional memories and more hope. The competences of Mindfulness, the hope, the memories of warmth and safeness and the positive and negative affections showed positive correlations themselves and as expected. At last, the variables that better predicts the positive affection was hope, memories of Warmth and Safeness, and the competences of Mindfulness, explained this model of 28% to varience. In case of the negative affection, Mindfulness was the best preditor, followed by the hope and, finally by the positive emotional memories. Conclusions: This investigation reveals the role of positive emotional memories, of Mindfulness and the hope in the manifestation of affective states, suggesting that they can function as promotional of the positive affection and protective of the negative affection. In this sense, these variables can enrich the intervention programs that they look to promote the adjustment or the psychological well-being of the adolescents.

Document Type Master thesis
Language Portuguese
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