Document details

A Socializa??o Organizacional: um processo no setor da ind?stria da madeira

Author(s): Pereira, Paula Cristina Tavares ; Sousa, Andrea (Orientadora)

Date: 2019

Origin: Repositório Aberto do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Subject(s): Socializa??o organizacional - Organizational socialization; Plano de socializa??o - Socialization Plan; Acolhimento e integra??o - Reception and integration


O presente estudo tem como tema central a Socializa??o Organizacional, sendo a constru??o de um Plano de Socializa??o um dos aspetos mais importantes para os rec?madmitidos e colaboradores desta empresa. A elabora??o do Plano de Socializa??o, que obrigou a um conjunto de outras iniciativas no ?mbito da forma??o de integra??o, certifica??o de qualidade entre outros aspetos inerentes ? atividade industrial da empresa, tornou-se exequ?vel a partir da abordagem metodol?gica qualitativa empregue, recorrendo ao m?todo de investiga??oa??o (observa??o participante, an?lise documental). Durante a investiga??o procurou-se determinar quais as etapas fulcrais ? conce??o do Plano de Socializa??o, tendo em conta a import?ncia da cultura organizacional, miss?o e objetivos da mesma. A elabora??o do Plano de Socializa??o possibilitou entender, construir e implementar, a partir do enquadramento te?rico, uma ferramenta important?ssima para a empresa no que concerne ao Acolhimento e Integra??o de novos colaboradores na mesma. Se o Acolhimento e Integra??o for bem desenhado e aplicado, a organiza??o poder? potenciar a a??o dos colaboradores, o que poder? promover um aumento de n?veis de produ??o e consequentemente a diminui??o do turnover. / The present study, has as its core theme Organizational Socialization being that the construction of a Socialization Plan is one of the most important aspects for new comers and employees of this company. The elaboration of the Socialization Plan, which required a number of other initiatives in the context of integration training, quality certification and other aspects inherent to the company?s industrial activity, became feasible due to the qualitative metholodgical approach used, resorting to the action-research method (participant observation and documentary analysis). During the investigation the main objective was to determine which were the main stages of the Socialization Plan, taking into account the importance of the organizational culture, its mission and objectives. The development of the Socialization Plan made it possible to understand, construct and implement, based on the theoretical framework, that it?s a very important tool for the Reception and Integration of new comers of the company. If the Reception and Integration are well designed and applied, the organization can enhance the employees?actions which may promote and increase productivity levels and consequently decrease turnover.

AO (Author's Original)

Document Type Master thesis
Language Portuguese
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