Document details

Impulsivity mediates the relationship between future orientation and juvenile deviancy

Author(s): Pereira, Maria Gouveia ; Gomes, Hugo Miguel dos Santos ; Silva, Filipa Maria Roncon de Vilhena e ; Mendonça, Rita Duarte

Date: 2016

Persistent ID:

Origin: Repositório do ISPA - Instituto Universitário

Subject(s): Inexistente


Both future orientation and impulsivity are intrinsic parts of an adolescent’s self-control, and empirical evidence clearly establishes them as crucial features on the origin of juvenile deviant behavior. However, we do not yet fully understand how these variables relate in explaining deviant conduct. In the present study, we tested a mediation model between these variables among 126 Portuguese adolescents. Findings support the mediation model in analysis, namely that impulsivity fully mediates the effect of future orientation on deviant behavior. In conclusion, our results suggest that lesser future orientated youth develop impulsive behavior which, in turn, explains their higher deviant conduct.

Document Type Journal article
Language English
Contributor(s) Repositório do ISPA
CC Licence
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