Detalhes do Documento

Validation of the Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire (CFPQ) with portuguese caregivers of 2-to-8-year-olds

Autor(es): Correia Dos Santos, Ana Sofia ; Fernandes, M. ; Fernandes, Carla ; Queiroz de barros, Maria ; Veríssimo, Manuela

Data: 2023

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório do ISPA - Instituto Universitário

Assunto(s): Parental feeding practices; Responsive feeding; Factorial structure; Validation; Children


Recent findings have demonstrated an increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight in Portugal, urging the need to study modifiable risk factors such as parental feeding practices. The Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire (CFPQ) is an important self-report measure assessing a broad range of responsive and non-responsive feeding practices. However, the CFPQ has not yet been validated in Portugal. Therefore, the present study aimed to test the validity of this measure with Portuguese parents of 2-to-8-year-old children. A sample of 409 parents completed a Portuguese-adapted version of the CFPQ and the already validated Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and psychometric analysis were conducted. CFA demonstrated the original 12-factor structure did not fit the sample. EFA identified an eight-factor structure comprising 29 items: Monitoring, Modeling, Environment, Involvement, Emotion Regulation, Restriction for Weight Control, Restriction for Health, and Pressure. Findings suggest that parental feeding practices are sensitive to parents’ background cultures and children’s developmental period.

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCT

Tipo de Documento Artigo científico
Idioma Inglês
Contribuidor(es) Repositório do ISPA
Licença CC
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