Document details

Biotic and abiotic parameters that distinguish types of temporary ponds in a portuguese mediterranean acosystem

Author(s): Pinto-Cruz, Carla ; Barbosa, A.M. ; Molina, J.A. ; Espírito-Santo, Maria Dalila

Date: 2011

Persistent ID:

Origin: Repositório da UTL

Subject(s): seasonal wetlands; plants; indicator species; biotic regionalization; environmental modeling


Temporary ponds are seasonal wetland habitats subjected to extreme and unstable ecological conditions. Some are classified as priority habitats for conservation by the European Union Habitats Directive. Our study area was the coastal plain of southwest Portugal, which spans across 100km north to south and hosts a large number of temporary ponds as a consequence of climatic and edaphic characteristics. Field sampling of floristic and edaphic data was carried out in 24 temporary ponds every spring between 2005 and 2008. We recorded a total of 174 plant species identified within visually homogeneous plots. We included the data in a geographic information system and classified ponds according to their floristic composition, using a biotic regionalization analysis based on species presence/absence, which is a practical and unambiguous criterion. We found three significantly different groups of ponds which corresponded to an eco-physiognomic pond typology: Mediterranean temporary ponds, marshlands, and disturbed ponds. For the first two pond types we defined characteristic or indicator plant species. We searched also for relationships between pond type and a series of large-scale climatic, geographic, and geological variables, as well as local-scale physical and chemical properties of the soil. Pond type was distinguished by a complex combination of some of these variables, including environmental energy, soil texture, nitrogen content of the soil and pH. A practical way of discriminating between different types of ponds is important so that management and conservation measures can be defined accordingly

Document Type Journal article
Language English
Contributor(s) Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa
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