Document details

Pr?ticas de Recrutamento e Sele??o: a relev?ncia dos assessment centres

Author(s): Antunes, Anna Christina Coimbra ; Moreira, Paulo Pinto (Orientador)

Date: 2018

Origin: Repositório Aberto do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Subject(s): Recrutamento e sele??o - Recruitment and selection; Assessement centres - Assessement centres


O presente relat?rio resulta do est?gio realizado no departamento de recursos humanos da Lidl, no ?mbito do curso de mestrado em gest?o de recursos humanos e comportamento organizacional, tendo como objectivo principal, descrever e analisar as atividades que desenvolvi ao longo do est?gio. Estas atividades centraram-se nas diversas fases e metodologias dos processos de recrutamento e sele??o. A reflex?o sobre as atividades e conhecimentos adquiridos neste est?gio ? acompanhada por um enquadramento te?rico referente ?s pr?ticas de recrutamento e sele??o e a relev?ncia que assume o m?todo de assessement centre, adotado pela Lidl. Conforme se pode constatar pela revis?o da literatura efetuada, tanto os investigadores como os profissionais da gest?o de recursos humanos, t?m vindo a demonstrar um crescente interesse pelas pr?ticas de recrutamento e sele??o, e pela respetiva atualiza??o e validade dos m?todos. A este facto, n?o ser? alheia a evid?ncia que vem sendo atribu?da ? import?ncia dos processos de recrutamento e sele??o no desenvolvimento e sucesso das organiza??es, nomeamente no que se refere ao seu alinhamento estrat?gico com os objetivos do neg?cio. Em termos de an?lise cr?tica, o est?gio realizado na Lidl permitiu constatar a import?ncia que a organiza??o atribui ?s atividades de recrutamento e sele??o, nomeadamente aos m?todos de assessement centre, que suscitam uma interven??o alargada dos quadros da organiza??o ? representantes dos ?rg?os requisitantes das novas admiss?es. / This report is the result of the internship held in the human resources department of Lidl, within the scope of the master degree course in human resource management and organizational behavior, with the main objective of describing and analyzing the activities developed during the internship. These activities focused on the various phases and methodologies of recruitment and selection processes. The reflection on the activities and knowledge acquired at this internship is accompanied by a theoretical framework referring to the recruitment and selection practices and the relevance that assumes the method of assessement center, adopted by Lidl. As can be seen from the review of the literature, both researchers and human resource management professionals have been showing a growing interest in recruitment and selection practices, as well as their updating and validity of methods. This fact will not be unrelated to the evidence that has been attributed to the importance of recruitment and selection processes in the development and success of organizations, especially with regard to their strategic alignment with business objectives. In terms of critical analysis, the internship in Lidl showed the organizational given importance to the recruitment and selection activities, namely to the methods of assessement centre methods, which give rise to a broad intervention of the organization staff ? representatives of the areas requiring new admissions.

Document Type Master thesis
Language Portuguese
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