Detalhes do Documento

Olá comunidade: as marcas no facebook: um espaço mediado pelas relações públicas

Autor(es): Crespo, Catarina Isabel Bernardino

Data: 2011

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa

Assunto(s): Relações públicas; Marcas; Facebook; Redes sociais; RP 2.0; Fidelidade à marca; Imagem da marca; Comunicação da marca; Public relations; Brands; Social media; Brand equity; PR 2.0; Lovebrands; Web 2.0; Brand loyalty; Brand image; Brand communication


Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.

Cada marca possui um património tangível e intangível que demarca o seu valor no mercado, ou seja a sua Brand Equity. Contudo, os recursos tangíveis estão cada vez mais sujeitos a ser copiados pela concorrência, levando a que a estratégia de diferenciação e inovação da marca sobreviva, apenas, a curto prazo. Desta forma, os recursos tangíveis deixaram há muito de ser o focus para as marcas, pois é urgente a procura de alternativas viáveis, de forma a consolidar a sua presença no mercado.A alternativa é inequívoca: apostar no lado intangível - na sua identidade, personalidade e nas relações que daí emergem!O aparecimento das Redes Sociais foi, inequivocamente, um estímulo para que hoje grande parte das marcas não prescindisse a sua presença na rede. Devido às suas especificidades, particularidades, e também a forma como é encarada, as Redes Sociais são defendidas como um espaço obrigatório para as marcas. Ainda assim, há que saber estar nestas plataformas e, por esta razão, este estudo defende as Relações Públicas como a grande mais-valia para as marcas.

ABSTRACT: Everyday we are subject to thousands of stimulus fomented by brands, which in a daily basis struggle to make themselves heard. From funny advertisements to sponsoring summer festivals, brands use the most creative strategies to excel in the market.Everything with one purpose in mind: to be the Top-of-Mind and consequently the leader.Each brand possesses a tangible and an intangible asset which defines its value in the market, in other words its brand equity. However, the tangible resources are increas-ingly subject to the risk of being copied by other players, thus leading to a circumstance in which the innovation and differentiation strategy adopted by the brand can only sur-vive in short run. Therefore, the tangible resources no longer are considered thefocus to brands, as it is urgent to seek practicable alternatives so as to consolidate the brand‟s position in the market.The alternative is unequivocal: to invest in the intangible side of brands –on its identity, personality and on the relations which emerge from this investment.If attitudes are worth more than one thousand words, the relations are worth two thou-sand. It is fundamental to give ever more importance to the audiences which keep up with a brand, respecting them, listening them and essentially preserving the relations that emerge. In this essay we will understand why it is like that.In this essay it is advocated that the most natural, spontaneous and intuitive way to build this relation is through Social Networks.The emergence of Social Networks constituted undoubtedly a stimulus which lead a major part of brands to be part of this network. Due to their specificities, particularities and how they are seen, Social Networks are considered a mandatory place for brands. Even so, it is important to know how to behave in such platforms. Hence, this essay sees Public Relations as a fundamental added value to brands.Public Relations are seen as a mediator of the relations between the audiences and the community, since it is indispensable to have an intermediary capable of managing di-vergent interests like those of brands and its audiences.Public Relations work everyday in order to create a stimulus in its communities unveil-ing the human side of brands, investing on emotional communication and, mainly, in contents which are relevant to the community, so that equally important conversations can be triggered.The most important mission is to maintain a solid, active and motivated community. Facebook is the best stage to build this relation.Facebook is the social platform with the highest audience all over the world and also with the highest number of pages managed by brands. Bearing this in mind, this essay analyses how brands use Facebook to connect with their audiences, namely taking into consideration the role played by Public Relation as an added value in this platform.

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Português
Orientador(es) Eiró-Gomes, Mafalda; Campos, Djali Palma
Contribuidor(es) RCIPL
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