Detalhes do Documento

The use of smartphones and mobile devices: Understanding the use among gender and different ages

Autor(es): Carvalho, Duarte Menano Figueiredo Pacheco de

Data: 2013

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório ISCTE

Assunto(s): Mobile internet (MI); Mobile device services (MDS); Smartphones; Use; Internet móvel (MI); Serviços móveis de dados (MDS); Dispositivos móveis (MD); Usage


This study was part of the International Master in Marketing at ISCTE Business School. The subject of this study is related to all the changes and daily habits that people have been experiencing with the technology evolution, especially with smartphones and mobile devices. The use of these devices has become part of everyone's lives at work, entertainment, communication and sharing information on an easy and portable way. In this way, the smartphones and mobile devices that are now present on everyone's lives, from people with different ages, different regions and with distinct job activities, are one of the best ways to segment and reach their final customers. All those users of these devices give out information and create their profiles on apps or social networks. By segmenting them all the publicity and advertisement of these companies, brands or businesses will become more efficient and it will reach the final consumer. The main objective of this study was to prove that the use of smartphones and mobile devices is something that almost everyone does and it is a growing situation and it doesn 't seem to end, it only seems that it will grow more and more, turning this into a big market with lots of segmented and more consumer directed opportunities for advertisement.

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Inglês
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