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Salvador Dali e o Mito da Crian?a Neo-nascida: contribui??es a partir de Bion

Autor(es): Ferreira, Nuno Miguel Pinto ; Vicente, Henrique (Orientador)

Data: 2018

Origem: Repositório Aberto do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Assunto(s): Crian?a neo-nascida - Neo-born child; Mito privado - Private myth; Mito tr?gico do Angelus de Millet - Tragic myth of Millet?s Angelus; Salvador Dali - Salvador Dali


?O mito tr?gico do Angelus de Millet? ? um texto edificado por Dal? na d?cada de 1930, onde formula a hip?tese que no ?Angelus? de Millet estaria representado o grande tema m?tico da morte do filho. Tendo em conta a conceptualiza??o de Bion dos mitos privados, sobretudo na possibilidade de constitu?rem-se como modelo de crescimento mental e aquisi??o de saber, colocou-se a hip?tese que Dal? estaria a retratar a sua condi??o de crian?a neo-nascida, cujo nascimento surge do desejo dos pais em geral, e da m?e em particular, de substituir um filho morto prematuramente. Subdividiu-se o presente trabalho em tr?s fases: descri??o de aspetos desenvolvimentais, educacionais e relacionais de Salvador Dal?, recorrendo a biografias e textos autobiogr?ficos; explora??o e recolha de trechos do ensaio ?O mito tr?gico do Angelus de Millet?; triangula??o dos dados recolhidos com as investiga??es realizadas sobre o fen?meno das crian?as neo-nascidas e com a teoria do pensamento de Bion, procurando as pontes de contacto que confirmem ou infirmem a hip?tese do mito enunciado por Dal? consistir numa tentativa de (re)constru??o da sua pr?pria narrativa e explorar os seus conflitos internos. Verificaram-se intersec??es entre o mito daliniano e aspetos desenvolvimentais do autor. Em primeiro lugar, este texto surge ap?s o in?cio da rela??o com Gala, cuja presen?a parece promover em Dal? a capacidade de pensar as mem?rias mais problem?ticas da sua inf?ncia. Em segundo, ao colocar a t?nica na rela??o m?e-filho, o enredo m?tico contrasta com os textos autobiogr?ficos, nos quais ? enfatizada a figura paterna. Por ?ltimo, neste texto Dal? parece aproximar-se da sua tr?gica exist?ncia, revelando capacidade de pensar dimens?es vivenciais at? ao momento n?o exploradas, mas recua perante a revela??o da trag?dia, o que poder? indiciar processos normativos de resist?ncia e a incognoscibilidade da verdade. ?O mito tr?gico do Angelus de Millet? revelaria uma din?mica familiar similar ?s descritas tr?s d?cadas depois pelos investigadores, sobretudo no que respeita ao ambiente familiar focado no passado, luto pseudo-resolvido da m?e e omnipresen?a do irm?o morto. A presen?a de Gala parece sobrepor-se a esta viv?ncia f?nebre e revela-se preponderante em diversas dimens?es da vida de Dal?, promovendo a capacidade de pensar e sonhar, de construir um mito privado cuja finalidade seria estabelecer o contacto com os pais reais, nomeadamente, a rela??o claustrof?bica e intoxicada com a m?e. / ?The tragic myth of Millet?s Angelus? is a text written by Dal? in the 1930s, in which he formulates the hypothesis that the ?Angelus? by Millet represented the mythical theme of the son?s demise. Taking into account Bion?s conceptualization of private myths as a model of mental growth and acquisition of knowledge, the author formulated the hypothesis that Dal? was actually portraying his condition as a neo-born child, whose birth reflects the desire of parents in general, and mothers in particular, to replace a dead child. This work was divided into three phases: description of developmental, educational and relational aspects of Salvador Dal??s life, using biographies and autobiographies; in-depth exploration and collection of excerpts from the essay ?The tragic myth of Millet 's Angelus?; triangulation of data collected with investigations regarding the phenomenon of replacement children and Bion?s aforementioned theory, with the aim of confirming or infirming the hypothesis that the myth enunciated by Dal? consisted in an attempt to (re)construct his own narrative and explore inner conflicts . There were intersections between the dalinian myth and several developmental events. Firstly, this text appears after the beginning of his relationship with Gala, whose presence seems to promote the ability to think about the more painful memories of his childhood. Secondly, by focusing on the mother-child relationship, the mythical plot contrasts with autobiographical records that emphasize the paternal figure. Finally, in this text Dal? seems closer to his tragic existence, revealing the capacity to think experiential dimensions unexplored to that moment, but hesitates before the revelation of the tragedy, which could reveal normal processes of resistance and the unknowable or ultimate truth. ?The tragic myth of Millet?s Angelus? seems to reveal family dynamics similar to those described by scholars of the replacement child phenomenon three decades later, especially a family environment focused on the past, unresolved mourning by the mother, and ubiquity of the dead brother. The presence of Gala seems to overlap this funereal experience, achieving predominance in different dimensions of Dal??s life, and fostering his ability to think and dream, to build a private myth whose purpose was to establish contact with the real parents, particularly the claustrophobic and intoxicated relationship with the mother.

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Português
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