Detalhes do Documento

Nos domínios da conjugalidade e parentalidade : afectividade positiva ao cônjuge, satisfação conjugal e aliança parental

Autor(es): Nobre, Paula Sofia Sampaio

Data: 2008

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa

Assunto(s): Afectividade; Satisfação conjugal; Aliança parental; Teses de mestrado - 2008


Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Sistémica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2008

Este estudo pretendeu analisar se existe relação entre os dois domínios da conjugalidade - vinculação ao cônjuge e satisfação conjugal -, e destes com a aliança parental. Foi ainda analisada a relação entre a concordância entre o casal relativamente às referidas variáveis, considerando o casal como unidade. A amostra era composta por 246 indivíduos portugueses casados entre si e com filhos. Após o preenchimento de um questionário sócio-demográfico, os questionários usados foram o A & QRIS (Moreira, 2002), a Escala de Avaliação da Satisfação em áreas da Vida Conjugal (EASAVIC) (Narciso, 2001) e o Inventário de Aliança Parental (IAP) (Abidin, 1985). Os resultados mostraram uma relação significativa entre a vinculação ao cônjuge e satisfação conjugal; a satisfação conjugal e a aliança parental; e a vinculação ao cônjuge e aliança parental.

The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between two marital domains - couple attachment and marital satisfaction -, and those variables with the parental alliance. It was also analyzed the relationship between the concordance within couple concerning these variables assuming the couple as unity of analysis. We used a sample of 246 subjects married between them and with children. After the fulfilling of the social-demographic questionnaire, the instruments used were the A & QRIS (Moreira, 2002), the Evaluation Scale of Marital Satisfaction Areas (EASAVIC) (Narciso, 2001) and the Parental Alliance Inventory (PAI) (Abidin, 1985). The results show significant relationships between couple attachment and marital satisfaction; between marital satisfaction and parental alliance; and between couple attachment and parental alliance.

This research aimed at studying how some Earth and Life Science (11th grade) students and teachers interpret and react to recent socio-scientific controversies made public by the media. Two elements make this study particularly relevant: a) the actual debate concerning social impact of several scientific and technological innovations; and b) the implementation of new science curricula, which, stress the development of pupils scientific literacy through the discussion of socio-scientific controversies. Understanding the nature of science and its relation to society and culture is considered to be one of the main aspects of citizens scientific literacy (Galvão, 2001; McComas, 2000). However, several studies have shown that both school and media seem to contribute, explicitly and implicitly, to the construction of limited conceptions about science and scientists (Abd-El-Khalick and Lederman, 2000; Matthews and Davies, 1999; Praia and Cachapuz, 1998). This situation brings forth the importance of conceiving personal and professional development initiatives aimed at encouraging reflection and supporting classroom practices reconstruction (Roldão, 1999; Ponte, 1998; Schön, 1987; Loucks-Horsley, Hewson, Love and Stiles, 1998). An interpretative approach of a qualitative nature was chosen, organized in two complementary phases. The first phase was essentially based on case studies. It sought out to investigate the possible impact of these controversies on teachers and pupils conceptions (about the nature, teaching and learning of science) and also on teachers pedagogical practices. Data collection instruments included questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, classroom observation and the analysis of several documents (namely science fiction stories written by pupils). Among pupils there was a lack of procedural and epistemological knowledge of science, as well as, the presence of several stereotyped ideas about scientists features and activities. Both science teachers classroom practices and media seem to contribute to this situation. The second phase of the study, motivated by the results of the first phase, assumed an action-research format which aimed at understanding and intervening upon the reality that was revealed. The realization of pupils limited and stereotyped conceptions, as well as, certain classroom practices (characterized by the lack of explicit references to procedural and epistemological aspects of science), prompted an in-service workshop for the teachers involved in the first phase of the study. This initiative showed three potentialities of several strategies used: 1) stimulating reflection upon classroom conceptions and practices; 2) acknowledging the potential of classroom activities concerning the discussion of socio-scientific issues; and 3) constructing the professional knowledge for using this kind of activity in classroom context. However, the most important aspect of this workshop was its contribution to the identification and study of factors affecting the consistency between teachers conceptions (about the nature, teaching and learning of science) and their classroom practices. The results of this study have several educational implications. Among the most pertinent ones are: a) the potential of combined use of science fiction stories (about scientists activities) and interviews in investigating pupils conceptions about scientific activity; b) the importance of classroom discussions about media images (about science, technology and scientists activities, features and motivations); c) the importance of developing and evaluating educational materials focused on procedural and epistemological aspects of science; and d) the relevance of personal and professional development initiatives, that support teachers throughout the conception and implementation of this type of material in classroom context.

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Português
Orientador(es) Ribeiro, Maria Teresa, 1962-; Ferreira, Ana Sousa
Contribuidor(es) Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa
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