Detalhes do Documento

Do registo do natural à ilustração para a infância

Autor(es): Caeiro, Sandra, 1970-

Data: 2018

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa

Assunto(s): La Fontaine, Jean de, 1621-1695; Desenho; Ilustração; Ilustração científica; Infância; Fábulas; Raposa; Cadernos de notas; Desenho


Trusting that children's illustration can be a means of transferring knowledge about the natural world to children, and motivated by memories of our childhood, we took Jean de La Fontaine's fables (stories in which animals have special importance and that have endured in young people's imagination throughout different generations) as the motto for this work. At the same time, as certain animals (probably due to a more attractive symbolic charge) are more recurrent than others on the fables' various plots, we decided to focus our research on that which has a more constant presence in them. For the conception of this project we made a brief incursion into the history of illustration, scientific drawing and La Fontaine's fables. The information apprehended during our theoretical research was then helpful to our practice: the creation of two sketchbooks (one with observational sketches of the animal in study, the other with drawings for its illustrations) and one illustrated book of La Fontaine's fables. The illustrations of this book, comprised of five fables in which the fox always appears as one of the protagonists, are the result of graphical studies of this species' morphology, habits, movements, etc., with a strong realistic aspect, that culminated in a set of drawings illustrating and retaining in themselves the essential

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Português
Orientador(es) Saraiva, Pedro, 1952-
Contribuidor(es) Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa
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