Detalhes do Documento

Da olaria ao design cerâmico português

Autor(es): Carreiras, Mariana, 1988-

Data: 2013

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa

Assunto(s): Olaria; Design; Metodologia; Identidade cultural


Tese de mestrado, Design de equipamento, especialização em Design de produto, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artesa, 2013

In Portugal the current globalization process has lead to a cultural degradation, with the disappearance and subsequent devaluation of certain cultural identities such as the arts and crafts sector (specially pottery). These cultural entities have always been related to local contexts and valued by nationalisms and traditions — which made impossible for them to become autonomous. Design is currently an indispensable tool to all kinds of markets and one of the areas, which puts effort in connecting production with the values, traditions and needs of the contemporary Portuguese society through innovation. Therefore, it is an essential link in the introduction of Portuguese pottery to a contemporary context. The dialogue between Design and Pottery will be essential for the preservation and revitalization of old production techniques, and will work as a support basis for both areas to evolve in order to be better accepted and connected to the Portuguese society. In order for this relationship to be timeless one should take in consideration the historical background, traditional and project methodologies each one uses. And to focus on the problematics of today's world it is necessary that both areas work within sustainability concepts. As a foundation of all the research work presented in this thesis, a collection of nine objects was made in order to show which concepts to have in account in this kind of dialogue. OLLA was developed after an intense analysis of the working structure and pottery products of the studio Norberto Batalha & Filhos, aiming to be a reference of exemplary partnership between Design and Portuguese Pottery, respecting the traditional techniques and the role of the potter

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Português
Orientador(es) Parra, Paulo, 1961-; Viana, José, 1960-
Contribuidor(es) Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa
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