Detalhes do Documento

Plano de prevenção e gestão de residuos de construção e demolição. Uma análise crítica

Autor(es): Almeida, Jorge Alexandre Sales

Data: 2010

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório da UTL

Assunto(s): waste management; construction and demolition residues; reuse; recycling


Mestrado em Engenharia do Ambiente - Instituto Superior de Agronomia

The construction sector consumes an elevated amount of natural resources and produces large quantities of residues. In Portugal, this situation is aggravated due to low rates of reuse and recycling and resort to landfill sites. The main goal of the present work it was analysed the structure of a plan of prevention and management of construction and demolition residues (PPGRCD, acronym for Planos de Prevenção e Gestão de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição), and it has been evaluated the interest of its application in a construction site, that is to say, a critical analysis has been made to its implementation methodology in a actual construction site. It has been verified a production of over three times more construction and demolition residues than what was foreseen in the project phase. The inexistence of a general practice calculation methodology that can be considered warrantable is one of the factors of this discrepancy. The PPGRCD is a useful tool, because it promotes the performance of good habits in construction and demolition residues management. During its elaboration and implementation it is necessary the involvement of an experienced work group in this area. This residues management instrument could become even more useful if it was associated to a producer penalty in case of no fulfilment of the valorisation rates expected in the project phase.

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Português
Orientador(es) Pinto, Francisco Cardoso
Contribuidor(es) Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa
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