Detalhes do Documento

Alimentos alternativos na alimentação animal. A cenoura de refugo e a sua utilização pelo coelho

Autor(es): Alves, Ricardo Jorge Pissarro da Maia

Data: 2013

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório da UTL

Assunto(s): rabbit; carrot; NDF; zootechnical results; digestibility; faecal fermentation


Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica - Produção Animal - Instituto Superior de Agronomia / Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária

The effect of the incorporation of dried carrot in rabbit diets with two levels of NDF (37% vs 30%) since early weaning at 21 days and up to 63 days of age was studied. For this 4 different regimes with different combinations of fiber and carrot were used. Zootechnical results, dry matter digestibility, caecal fermentation, and development of the digestive tract was accessed for all regimes. In the zootechnical experiment 21 days old 48 rabbits were used. They were divided in four groups each one being fed with a different regime: two with a 37% NDF content (with and without dried carrot) and two with a 30% NDF content (also with and without dried carrot). The fiber-rich regimes were ingested daily in largest quantity which made the IC higher in these regimes. It was also detected a decrease in overall digestibility, including the digestibility of nitrogen compounds, in regimes with a value of 37% NDF. With respect to carrot an effect of increasing the digestibility of NDF, ADF and cellulose was observed. Furthermore, an increase of acetic acid concentration and a decrease of butyric acid concentration in cecotrophes, within the normal range, was also observed. Finally, a decrease of caecum pH for the animals fed with regimes containing carrot was also observed.

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Português
Orientador(es) Cunha, Luísa Falcão e; Pinho, Mário António Soares
Contribuidor(es) Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa
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