Detalhes do Documento

Desenvolvimento de um modelo sistematizado de investigação, desenvolvimento e inovação

Autor(es): Vinagre, Carla Sofia Teles da Silva

Data: 2013

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório da UTL

Assunto(s): conception and development model; IDI model; planning document; environmental management system


Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia

This essay was based on the increasing importance of change and innovation, trying to understand the necessities of the market, the clients and the companies. It was analyzed a model of IDI that was already used by the company Consulai for the creation of new products and services, in order to realize if it was updated and witch improvements were necessary to implement. We developed a new conception and development model for new products and services, betting on a bigger research of information by the company employees before they validate any phase of the project. Within this model, two new documents were created: One for the Preliminary Study of New Services/Products, and one for Planning of the New Service/Product. In order to know if the new model was functional, it was tested in a service that was being implemented in the company, the Environmental Management System. We’ve concluded that new model oblige to a bigger research and participation by the company’s employees and leads to a greater chance that the idea of the potential new service/product doesn´t get lost so easily. We´ve also concluded that it´s required a better verification of the control, checking, and changing phases during the process and that this model should be decreased once it takes to long to fill in. The Environmental Management System is a won bet by the company, once it is already in use and the company as kept and implemented the new documents, the need for more information and the more permanent cooperation between the coworkers suggested by the model here improved

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Português
Orientador(es) Mira, Luís
Contribuidor(es) Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa
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