Detalhes do Documento

Características da carcaça em suínos de raça Alentejana e cruzados Large White x Landrace terminados em montanheira

Autor(es): Grave, Manuel Maria Felner da Costa

Data: 2015

Identificador Persistente:

Origem: Repositório da UTL

Assunto(s): Alentejano pig; fat; carcass; characteristics; montado


Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Especialidade Agro-pecuária - Instituto Superior de Agronomia

This work aims to study the carcass characteristics of castrated male pigs of the Alentejano breed and crossbred Large White x Landrace (LW x LR) pigs, finished in Montado, with slaughter weight pre-established at 160kg. For this purpose, 29 carcasses from Alentejano pigs and 28 from LW x LR pigs were analyzed. The work was carried out at the experimental slaughterhouse in INIAV, Santarém. The characteristics analyzed were related to slaughter weight and carcass yield; carcass dimensions; organs weight; weight of carcass cuts; abdominal, subcutaneous and intramuscular fat depots and dimensions of the L. dorsi muscle. The Alentejano pigs presented higher carcass yield values (81% vs. 79%). Regarding carcass dimensions, LW x LR pigs showed longer carcasses and thicker legs. LR x LW pigs also showed a higher proportion of high-value meat cuts (7.3% vs. 3.9%) and the dimensions of L. dorsi displayed a sectional area about 40% larger. The variables related to fat deposition in Alentejano pigs showed higher values in all fat types, especially for subcutaneous fat (73.6 mm vs. 44.4 mm) and intramuscular fat (10.6% vs. 2.5%). Analyzing the correlations between the studied variables, some Alentejano pigs had a good amount of intramuscular fat without excessive abdominal and subcutaneous fat deposition

Tipo de Documento Dissertação de mestrado
Idioma Português
Orientador(es) Gama, Luís Lavadinho Telo da; Freire, João Pedro Bengala
Contribuidor(es) Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa
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