Project/scholarship details

  • Funder

    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

  • Funder's country


  • Funding program


  • Funding amount

    149,755.00 €

  • Start date


  • End date



Operational definitions of asthma in recent epidemiological studies are inconsi...

Sá-Sousa, A; Jacinto, T; Azevedo, LF; Morais-Almeida, M; Robalo-Cordeiro, C; Bugalho-Almeida, A; Bousquet, J; Fonseca, JA

OBJECTIVE: The best combination of questions to define asthma in epidemiological asthma studies is not known. We summarized the operational definitions of asthma used in prevalence studies and empirically assess how asthma prevalence estimates vary depending on the definition used. METHODS: We searched the Thomson Reuters ISI Web of knowledge and included (1) cross-sectional studies (2) on asthma prevalence (3)...

Date: 2014   |   Origin: Saúde - CUF


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