Project/scholarship details

  • Funder

    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

  • Funder's country


  • Funding program


  • Funding amount

    84,000.00 €

  • Start date


  • End date



The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire : Validation for pre-adolescent students

Peixoto, Francisco José Brito; Mata, Maria de Lourdes Estorninho Neves; Monteiro, Vera; Sanches, Ana Cristina Pires; Pekrun, Reinhard

The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) is a self-report instrument developed to measure the emotions of students in academic situations. The main purpose of this research was to adapt and validate this questionnaire to assess preadolescents’ class- and test-related emotions towards mathematics. The participants were 1515 Portuguese students from grades 5 and 7 (age range 10 – 13 years). Confirmatory facto...

Intrinsic Motivation Inventory : Psychometric properties in the context of firs...

Monteiro, Vera; Mata, Maria de Lourdes Estorninho Neves; Peixoto, Francisco

Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) is a multidimensional measurement grounded on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) used in assessing the subjective experiences of participants when developing an activity. The aim of this study is to analyze the characteristics of IMI among Portuguese students, testing four organizational models (unidimensional, multidimensional, hierarchical and bi-factor). A total of 3685 ...

The goal orientations scale (GOS): Validation for portuguese students

Pipa, Joana; Peixoto, Francisco José Brito; Mata, Maria de Lourdes Estorninho Neves; Monteiro, Vera; Sanches, Ana Cristina Pires

Current research on achievement goals acknowledges that students can manifest different goal patterns. This study aimed to adapt and validate a self-report scale to assess the goal orientations of Portuguese students. A total of 2675 (age range 9–24 years) Portuguese students completed the Goal Orientations Scale (GOS). Through a cross-validation procedure, confirmatory factor analysis and descriptive statistic...

“How do you feel about math?” : Relationships between competence and value appr...

Peixoto, Francisco; Sanches, Ana Cristina Pires; Mata, Maria de Lourdes Estorninho Neves; Monteiro, Vera

This study analyzes the relationships between cognitive appraisals, classroom and test emotions and math achievement in a sample of 1219 Portuguese students from the 6th and 8th grades. Participants completed measures of Perceived Value, Perceived Competence and seven Math achievement emotions (boredom, hopelessness, anger, anxiety, enjoyment, pride and relief) experienced in two different settings: Classroom a...

“To be or not to be retained… Thats' the question!” Retention, self-esteem, sel...

Peixoto, Francisco José Brito; Monteiro, Vera; Mata, Maria de Lourdes Estorninho Neves; Sanches, Ana Cristina Pires; Pipa, Joana

This Document is Protected by copyright and was first published by Frontiers. All rights reserved. It is reproduced with permission.; Keeping students back in the same grade – retention – has always been a controversial issue in Education, with some defending it as a beneficial remedial practice and others arguing against its detrimental effects. This paper undertakes an analysis of this issue, focusing on the ...

"To be or not to be retained… that´s the question!”: Retention, self-esteem, se...

Peixoto, Francisco; Monteiro, Vera; Mata, Lourdes; Sanches, Cristina; Pipa, Joana; Almeida, Leandro S.

Keeping students back in the same grade – retention – has always been a controversial issue in Education, with some defending it as a beneficial remedial practice and others arguing against its detrimental effects. This paper undertakes an analysis of this issue, focusing on the differences in student motivation and self-related variables according to their retention related status, and the interrelationship be...

Validação da escala de autoconceito e autoestima para pré-adolescentes (EAAPA) ...

Peixoto, Francisco José Brito; Mata, Maria de Lourdes Estorninho Neves; Monteiro, Vera; Sanches, Ana Cristina Pires; Ribeiro, Rui Bártolo; Pipa, Joana

Este estudo teve como objetivo a análise das propriedades psicométricas de uma escala de autoconceito e autoestima e da estrutura organizativa do autoconceito em pré-adolescentes. Participaram 774 estudantes Portugueses do 5º e 6º anos de escolaridade, que responderam a uma escala que avalia sete dimensões específicas do autoconceito (competência escolar, competência atlética, aceitação social, aparência física...


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