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Relatório de Estágio Curricular – Instituto Politécnico, GIC (Guarda)

Cunha, Luís

O relatório que aqui apresento traz uma abordagem objetiva sobre o meu trajeto de estagiário no Gabinete de Informação e Comunicação, do Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, com vista à conclusão da minha licenciatura em Comunicação e Relações Públicas. No decorrer deste período, desempenhei funções que contribuíram, sem dúvida, para o alargamento dos meus conhecimentos na área da comunicação, produção de conteúdos...

Older Adults living in the community of the district of Porto: Social Support N...

Fernandes, Ana Campos; Bárbara, Pereira; Franchini, Bela; Cunha, Luís; Pinho, Olívia; Morais, Cecília

Safeguarding cork’s beauty and longevity: innovations in deposition of protecti...

Tiss, Belgacem; Martínez-Martínez, Diego; Mansilla, Catalina; Borges, Joel; Andritschky, M.; Cunha, Luís

Cork is a sustainable natural material widely used as a wine stopper. However, some other uses, such as wall coverings, flooring, bags and shoes, face UV damage. To mitigate this issue, we explored the deposition of TiO2 and ZnO thin films via magnetron sputtering on glass and cork substrates. Both films displayed uniformity and the lack of any discernible cracks or voids, remained transparent in the visible re...

A survey on ground segmentation methods for automotive LiDAR sensors

Gomes, Tiago Manuel Ribeiro; Matias, Diogo; Campos, André; Cunha, Luís; Roriz, Ricardo

In the near future, autonomous vehicles with full self-driving features will populate our public roads. However, fully autonomous cars will require robust perception systems to safely navigate the environment, which includes cameras, RADAR devices, and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors. LiDAR is currently a key sensor for the future of autonomous driving since it can read the vehicle’s vicinity and pr...

A nova ordem nuclear

Martins, Andreia; Eugénio, António Luís Beja; Gonçalves, Bruno Soares; Rodrigues, Eurico; Galamas, Francisco; Garcia, Francisco Proença; Correia, João

O IDN Brief que agora se publica, dedicado ao tema “A Nova Ordem Nuclear” oferece uma visão panorâmica e atual da problemática nuclear nas suas vertentes civil e militar. Conta, para o efeito, com um qualificado conjunto de artigos assinados por académicos e especialistas. Com esta publicação esperamos contribuir para a discussão de um tema que voltou a estar no centro das relações internacionais

Date: 2022   |   Origin: Instituto da Defesa Nacional

The Resilience of the Communist Party of China

Cunha, Luís

Upon reaching 100 years of activity, the Communist Party of China (CPC) highlights and projects a unique model of political and social development. Taking as methodological inspiration the proposal of Samuel P. Huntington for the study of the political phenomenon, regarding the adaptability of the seat of power, this work focus on some of the variables that justify the perpetuity of the CPC. Culture and ideolog...

Evaluation and testing system for automotive LiDAR sensors

Gomes, Tiago Manuel Ribeiro; Roriz, Ricardo João Rei; Cunha, Luís; Ganal, Andreas; Soares, Narciso; Araújo, Teresa; Monteiro, João L.

The world is facing a great technological transformation towards fully autonomous vehicles, where optimists predict that by 2030 autonomous vehicles will be sufficiently reliable, affordable, and common to displace most human driving. To cope with these trends, reliable perception systems must enable vehicles to hear and see all their surroundings, with light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensors being a key in...

Imagens e miragens do mundo lusófono nos manuais escolares de história portugue...

Cabecinhas, Rosa; Balbé, Alice Dutra; Camanho, Luís Miguel Sousa; Cunha, Luís

Os manuais escolares têm constituído um instrumento privilegiado para a disseminação de narrativas hegemónicas sobre o passado e a construção dos referenciais de alteridade, que rei1cam clivagens abissais entre “nós” e os “outros”. O modo como operam as fronteiras, quais as categorias que em cada momento são convocadas e rei1cadas, quais as que se esbatem e quais as que se reforçam nos processos sociais em que ...

Pesticides in a case study on no-tillage farming systems and surrounding forest...

da Silva, Karlo Alves; Nicola, Vitoria Beltrame; Dudas, Rafaela Tavares; Demetrio, Wilian Carlo; Maia, Lilianne Dos Santos; Cunha, Luís

With the growing global concern on pesticide management, the relationship between its environmental recalcitrance, food security and human health has never been more relevant. Pesticides residues are known to cause significant environmental contamination. Here, we present a case study on long-term no-tillage farming systems in Brazil, where Glyphosate (GLY) has been applied for more than 35 years. GLY and its m...

Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulation versus left atrial appendage occl...

Paiva, Luís; Coelho, José; Barra, Sérgio; Costa, Marco; Sargento-Freitas, João; Cunha, Luís; Gonçalves, Lino

Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the performance of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulation (NOAC) in patients with previous stroke and non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) compared with left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO) in primary and secondary stroke prevention settings. Methods: This was a prospective, single-center, non-randomized cohort study of 302 consecutive patients with non-valvu...

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