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The (wasted) potential of digital communication in low-density destinations: th...

Correia, Ricardo; Cunha, Manuela; Carvalho, Aida; Sousa, Bruno

This study aims to assess the online presence of three Portuguese low-density territories and analyze the communication strategies employed by public and private entities within each municipality. The alignment between public and private entities within each municipality is also examined as a potential factor that could impact the effectiveness of digital communication strategies.; Funding: This research was fi...

Date: 2023   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

O papel da comunicação digital na promoção turística de territórios de ba...

Cunha, Manuela; Correia, Ricardo; Carvalho, Aida

A tecnologia aplicada à comunicação eliminou barreiras, e permite que mais facilmente empresas e entidades possam interagir com os seus públicos. De facto, a cadeia de valor na comunicação tornou-se mais reduzida sendo cada vez mais habitual um contacto direto com diversos públicos (entre eles os turistas) via redes sociais e outros meios de comunicação próprios. Neste artigo, através da recolha de d...

Date: 2022   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

Comunicação digital nos territórios de baixa densidade: políticas, estratégias ...

Cunha, Manuela

As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC’s) vieram introduzir uma nova forma de sociedade, ou seja, a sociedade em rede, sendo por isso cada vez mais, alvo de pesquisas e estudos. O aumento exponencial da utilização de redes sociais e outras ferramentas de comunicação digital, ampliou significativamente os horizontes da comunicação, na medida em que alterou de forma considerável a forma como as organizaç...

Date: 2022   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

A importância do turismo para o desenvolvimento dos territórios de baixa densid...

Carvalho, Aida; Garcez, Ana; Cunha, Manuela

Tourism is a vital activity for the economy, having been, in 2019, the largest export economic activity in the country, responsible for 52.3% of services exports and for 19.7% of total exports, with tourist revenues contribution of 8.7% to Portuguese Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is rapidly growing globally and is considered an important means for the development of the regions. In this context, tourism has ...

Date: 2021   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

Open Science Laboratory for Manufacturing: an education tool to contribute to s...

Castro, Helio; Pinto, Nuno; Pereira, Filipe; Ferreira, Luís; Ávila, Paulo; Putnik, Goran; Felgueiras, Carlos; Bastos, João; Cunha, Manuela

This paper presents a Cyber Physical System (CPS) laboratory based on Open Design, called Open Science Laboratory for Manufacturing (OSLab4Man), with educational and research purpose and the potential contribute and (direct and indirect) effects regarding the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A short introduction describing the 17 SDG, the education for sustainability role, and the relevance of the frame...

The potential of digital marketing in the promotion of low-density territories:...

Cunha, Manuela; Correia, Ricardo; Carvalho, Aida

Information and communication technologies (ICT’S) have introduced a new form of society, the network society, with the paradigm based on digital marketing. This form of communication has constantly evolved due to its intensive study and the exponential increase in its use. The imposition of digital communication, together with social networks, becomes imperative for both organisations and territories to adjust...

Date: 2021   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

Digital marketing in hospitality - case study of social networks as a communica...

Cunha, Manuela; Correia, Ricardo; Costa, Adriano

Digital marketing and social networks are progressively becoming the most important communication tool in almost all business areas. This has considerably increased the information available online. In the tourism context, these developments have had a considerable effect, as they have altered the way tourists search for information, plan trips and share experiences. In a post-COVID-19 world, the innovative use...

Date: 2021   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

O potencial dos canais digitais no setor hoteleiro

Cunha, Manuela; Franco, João; Correia, Ricardo

Os canais digitais são, atualmente, ferramentas bastante relevantes na comunicação organizacional nas vertentes business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C) e consumer to consumer (C2C), não devendo, por isso, ser descuradas [1]. O turismo em geral, e a hotelaria em particular, devido às suas caraterísticas intrínsecas, encontram-se particularmente influenciados por esta tendência. Neste senti...

Date: 2021   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

Social networks relevance as a promotion tool in the hotel industry: the case o...

Cunha, Manuela; Correia, Ricardo; Costa, Adriano

Social Networks are becoming essential for interaction, dialogue and connectivity with customers. Tourism in general, and hospitality, due to its intrinsic characteristics, has been known to be particularly affected by this trend. The existing platforms, make the tourists also a promoter / detractor of tourist destinations and attractions through the sharing of publications, pictures or experiences. In this sen...

Date: 2021   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

A preliminary analysis of the use of valuation methods by technology transfer o...

Rocha, António Miguel Sousa; Romero, Fernando; Cunha, Manuela; Lima, Rui M.; Amorim, Marlene

Valuing invention disclosures in universities involves an assessment of research outcomes that go well beyond the opportunity to make financial profits. Valuation is also about determining what technical solutions are worth, either in terms of technical and scientific achievements but overall, what benefits does it bring to industry and the larger society. The good use of valuation methods to estimate and predi...

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