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The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA b...

Rosa, Paolo; Wood, Thomas; Silva, Teresa Luísa L.; Veríssimo, Joana; Mata, Vanessa A.; Michez, Denis; Beja, Pedro; Ferreira, Sónia

DNA barcoding technologies have provided a powerful tool for the fields of ecology and systematics. Here, we present a part of the InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) dataset representing 144 specimens and 103 species, covering approximately 44% of the Iberian and 21% of the European fauna. The InBIO Barcoding Initiative (...

Date: 2023   |   Origin: Repositório da UTL

Illustrated keys and a DNA barcode reference library of the amphibians and terr...

Ceríaco, Luis Miguel Pires; Marques, Mariana Pimentel; Sousa, Ana Carolina Andrade de; Veríssimo, Joana; Beja, Pedro; Ferreira, Sónia

The herpetofauna of São Tomé and Príncipe consists of nine species of amphibians, all endemic, and 21 species of terrestrial reptiles, of which 17 are endemic. Our current knowl- edge regarding its natural history, ecology, and distribution is limited. Here two important tools are provided to support researchers, conservationists, and local authorities in the identification of the country’s herpetofauna: an ill...

Date: 2023   |   Origin: Repositório da UTL

Tourists' Engagement on Tourism Organizations' Facebook Pages: The Role of User...

Santos, Sara; Vasconcelos, Maria; Ferreira, Sónia

Tourism industry prospects are presented by digital marketing and consumer travel behaviour changes. Given this fact, digital content marketing (DCM) assumes greater significance for enhancing social media user engagement. Providing valuable and relevant information that differentiates the company and catches the consumers' attention has been one of the current challenges in this area. The wide availability of ...

Recommendations for Internal Communication to Strengthen the Employer Brand: A ...

Santos, Sara; Augusto, Luísa; Ferreira, Sónia; Santo, Pedro Espírito; Vasconcelos, Maria

The increasingly intense competition in organisations means that they have to develop strategies to differentiate themselves. One of these strategies consists of using internal communication to improve the company’s attractiveness to outside talent and increase its attractiveness to its existing employees. However, this relationship still needs to be studied in the existing literature. This review aims to find ...

Video Ad Informativeness and Narrative Structure and Transportation as Antecede...

Santos, Sara; Santo, Pedro Espírito; Ferreira, Sónia

The massification of the use of the internet for advertising purposes and the growth of Youtube as a platform for disseminating brand content has channeled the investments of brand managers to digital media. In this scope, more and more advertisements are being shared on Youtube. The success of an ad depends on its contents and the narrative presented. Thus, this research identified that the informativeness of ...

Effectiveness of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in the Recovery of Executive...

Ferreira, Sónia; Virgolino, Ana; Ribeiro, Cristina; Pombo, Samuel; Bacelar-Nicolau, Leonor

Introduction: Changes in executive functions associated with alcohol consumption are frequently found in alcohol use disorder. Neuropsychological rehabilitation can play an essential role as an effective treatment in the recovery from these deficits, leading to the maintenance of abstinence. However, there are still some uncertainties regarding its impact on the recovery of deficits in executive functions. Our ...

Date: 2023   |   Origin: Acta Médica Portuguesa

DNA Barcode library of the endemic-rich avifauna of the oceanic islands of the ...

Melo, Martim; Covas, Rita; F. De Lima, Ricardo; Veiga da Horta, Octávio; do Bom Jesus, Ceciliano; Barros da Veiga, Martim; Samba, Seduney

Background The BioSTP: DNA Barcoding of endemic birds from oceanic islands of the Gulf of Guinea dataset contains records of 155 bird specimens belonging to 56 species in 23 families, representing over 80% of the diversity of the breeding landbird community. All specimens were collected on Príncipe, São Tomé and Annobón Islands between 2002 and 2021 and morphologically identified to species or subspecies level ...

Sucess rate in the identification of etiological agents of respiratory infectio...

Rodrigues, Amélia; Cazelli, Maria; Eulálio, Margarida; Ferreira, Sónia; Sousa, Ana

As infeções respiratórias podem ser atribuídas a diversos agentes etiológicos, como vírus, bactérias e fungos, podendo afetar o trato respiratório superior ou inferior, associando-se a elevada morbimortalidade e internamentos prolongados. Os métodos convencionais de diagnóstico, nomeadamente o exame cultural, apresentam limitações, quer no tempo de resposta (48-72h), quer nos microrganismos que permitem identif...

Clinical metagenomics by nanopore sequencing: advanced diagnostic technique

Rodrigues, Amélia; Ferreira, Ana Rita; Eulálio, Margarida; Ferreira, Sónia; Sousa, Ana

Os métodos tradicionais de identificação de agentes etiológicos de infeção são demorados (48-72h) e dependem da viabilidade dos microrganismos nas amostras biológicas, resultando numa percentagem de sucesso de identificação muito baixa (<50%). Consequentemente, são administrados antibióticos empiricamente, prejudicando a microbiota e aumentando o risco de resistências. Em contraste, a metagenómica pesquisa todo...

Sea Slug Mucus Production Is Supported by Photosynthesis of Stolen Chloroplasts

Lopes, Diana; Cruz, Sónia; Martins, Patrícia; Ferreira, Sónia; Nunes, Cláudia; Domingues, Pedro; Cartaxana, Paulo

A handful of sea slugs of the order Sacoglossa are able to steal chloroplasts-kleptoplasts-from their algal food sources and maintain them functionally for periods ranging from several weeks to a few months. In this study, we investigated the role of kleptoplast photosynthesis on mucus production by the tropical sea slug Elysia crispata. Animals reared for 5 weeks in quasi dark (5 μmol photons m-2 s-1) showed s...

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