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A critical approach to existing management perspectives in Scuba Diving: A step...

Hipólito, Cláudia; Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Santos; Gonçalves, Jorge; Calado, Helena

There are a considerable number of studies reporting the negative impacts of recreational diving and their causes, yet there is a gap in the information regarding the aspects of activity management. This paper presents a systematic approach to the management measures found in the literature. A large part of the measures identified address stakeholders’ awareness, data on the activity, and implementing adapted m...

Research of the impact of bumps on vehicle speeds

Kempa, Jan; Chmielewski, Jacek; Prandol, Dominika; Santos, Bertha; Gonçalves, Jorge

The paper presents the results of research on the impact of selected types of speed bumps, located in the streets of the city road network, on the instantaneous speed of passenger cars in free flow traffic conditions. The research considered different speed bumps. All types of speed bumps occurred to be very effective in a traffic calming. The applied parametric tests of a statistical significance showed that, ...

Date: 2023   |   Origin: uBibliorum

EU and Portuguese cycling strategy for sustainable urban mobility

Matias, Isabel; Santos, Bertha; Gonçalves, Jorge; Kempa, Jan; Chmielewski, Jacek

Sustainable mobility has become a central topic for reflection and debate when defining active urban policies. In opposition to traditional mobility focused on private cars, sustainable urban mobility aims to respond to society's travel needs of comfort, safety, and time with healthy, environmental-friendly, and economical solutions. Soft mobility modes, especially cycling, are an alternative capable of reversi...

Date: 2023   |   Origin: uBibliorum

Investigating the role of symptom valorisation in tuberculosis patient delay in...

de Morais, Margarida; Sousa, Sofia; Marques, Jéssica; Moniz, Marta; Duarte, Raquel; Leite, Andreia; Soares, Patricia; Carreira, Mário; Pereira, Sofia

URBANTB group: Patrícia Soares (Representative of the consortium), Mário Carreira, Sofia Pereira, Catarina Alves, Filipe Alves, Ana Rodrigues, Ana Moreira, Márcia Cardoso, Sandra Mota, Ana Gomes, Liliana Ferreira, Marta Lopes, Isabel Correia, Juan Rachadell, Maria Gameiro, Ângela Dias, Manuel Pereira, Jorge Gonçalves, Maria Gonçalves, Adriana Taveira, Celene Neves, Lucinda Silva, Maria Mendes, Maria Teixeira, M...

Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) e Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) no desenv...

Gonçalves, Jorge

A globalização, aliada à constante evolução tecnológica, traz inúmeras oportunidades para as empresas. No entanto, também traz grandes riscos e desafios. A resiliência organizacional é uma competência cada vez mais importante em todas as empresas, mas especialmente para as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) que, regra geral, são as que se encontram numa posição mais frágil para enfrentar situações de crise e adv...

Date: 2022   |   Origin: Repositório ISCTE

Investment in drinking water and sanitation infrastructure and its impact on wa...

Ferreira, Diogo Cunha; Graziele, Ingrid; Marques, Rui Cunha; Gonçalves, Jorge

Investment in sanitation and drinking water infrastructure is essential for universal access to these services in developing countries. Universal coverage of water and sanitation services (WSS) can prevent the dissemination of waterborne diseases and mitigate their adverse effects. These diseases are responsible for many deaths worldwide, especially among the disadvantaged population and children. A causal effe...

Date: 2021   |   Origin: Repositório da UTL

GIS in Architectural Teaching and Research: Planning and Heritage

Santos, Bertha; Gonçalves, Jorge; Martins, Ana M.; Pérez-Cano, Maria T.; Mosquera-Adell, Eduardo; Dimelli, Despina; Lagarias, Apostolos

Geographical Information Systems (GISs) in architecture were initially limited to regional and urban development applications. Over recent years its potential has been recognized and its use has evolved to address urban planning and architectural heritage management subjects. Nevertheless, evidence shows that its use in architecture teaching is scarce and uneven. Directive 2007/2/EC, establishing the infrastruc...


Rosa, Aguinaldo; Gonçalves, Jorge; Sousa, Bruno

O citymarketing assume-se como uma área de aplicação do marketing que tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais relevo e importância no desenvolvimento e crescimento das cidades. Por conseguinte, o branding de destinos desempenha, assim, um papel proeminente na perceção da imagem dos destinos por parte dos seus visitantes. O principal objetivo do presente estudo consiste em discutir a influência da criação de marca-cida...

Date: 2020   |   Origin: CiencIPCA

β-Adrenoceptor Activation in Breast MCF-10A Cells Induces a Pattern of Catechol...

Amaro, Filipa; Silva, Dany; Reguengo, Henrique; Oliveira, José Carlos; Quintas, Clara; Vale, Nuno; Gonçalves, Jorge; Fresco, Paula

Adrenaline, which participates in the neuroendocrine response that occurs during stress and perimenopause, may be tumorigenic. This exploratory study aimed at investigating whether non-tumorigenic and tumorigenic human breast epithelial cell lines are able to synthesize adrenaline. The study was carried out in non-tumorigenic (MCF-10A) and tumorigenic (MCF-7) human breast cell lines. Expression of enzymes invol...

Pedestrian Environment Quality Assessment in Portuguese Medium-Sized Cities

Sousa, Adriana; Santos, Bertha; Gonçalves, Jorge

The features of pedestrian spaces contribute to sustainable urban mobility and consequently to improve the quality of the built environment. A pedestrian space free of obstacles, with slight slopes, continuous, agreeable, attractive and safe, is definitely a space that invites to enjoyment and socialization. With the aim of improving the pedestrian circulation conditions, the present paper describes a set of ap...

Date: 2019   |   Origin: uBibliorum

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