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Descriptive analysis of injury types and incidence during futsal preseason acro...

Marques, Catarina; Rebelo, Miguel; Crisóstomo, Rute; Honório, Samuel; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro; Petrica, João; Serrano, João

Introduction: This study aimed to verify the typology and incidence of injury by comparing the different competitive levels of futsal during the preseason. Methods: The sample consisted of 68 senior male futsal players (24.26 ± 4.63 years). Data were collected using an injury recording grid that examined the affected body part, anatomical region, type of injury, mechanism, and severity. Results: It was found th...

Mediation effects of basic psychological needs and motivation among coach leade...

Domingues, Ana Margarida Martins; Santos, Jorge; Batista, Marco; Serrano, João; Honório, Samuel; Petrica, João

Introduction Subjective well-being has numerous indicators of global well-being, however, the most important are life satisfaction and attachments, which can be both positive and negative. The leadership of the coach is an integral part of the process that cares for the relationship of the athlete and coach, where the coach has a fundamental role on the athlete, and consequently on his subjective well-being. Ob...

Self-esteem, self-concept and academic performance in middle-school students ac...

Honório, Samuel; Ramos, Luis; Santos, Jorge; Serrano, João; Petrica, João; Batista, Marco

Introduction: Academic performance is favored in students who practice sports with body contact and develops an increasing value in self-concept when a comparison is established with those who don’t are engaged in sports without body contact. Methods: This study aimed to analyze and relate variables of self-concept, self-esteem and other variables such as aerobic capacity (VO2 max), handgrip strength and academ...

Physical Exercise related to student’s academic performance

Honório, Samuel; Batista, Marco; Santos, Jorge; Vandoni, Matteo

Academic performance is a topic of extreme relevance given the fact that it influences many other areas of children's and adolescents' lives. Academic performance is defined as a concrete assessment of the knowledge obtained by students. In practice, it refers to the results of assessment evaluations that teachers apply in the school context. The evaluation is then a classification that is attributed to the wor...

Analysis of anthropometric and physical performance variables in U-17 soccer pl...

Honório, Samuel; Batista, Marco; Serrano, João; Vandoni, Matteo; Rebelo, Miguel; Vieira, Fernando; Lopes, André; Santos, Jorge

Soccer is considered a multifaceted collective sport, and to reach an elevated level, players must have moderate to high power, good agility, joint flexibility and muscle development. Also, players must be able to generate high torques during fast movements, which implies the development of different capacities, understood as multifactorial preparation. The objective was to analyse the effects of training (aero...

External and internal load during the effort tests in different ages in young f...

Honório, Samuel; Batista, Marco; Santos, Jorge; Serrano, João; Petrica, João; Martins, Júlio; Vieira, Fernando

Introduction: Futsal is a sports game that features high intensity movements with change of speed or direction, present in several actions during the game. Aim: With this study is intended to analyse, compare and evaluate the predictive factor of leg power on shooting speed and fatigue levels in young futsal athletes in order to establish effort patterns in these ages, to prescribe training sessions adequately ...

What are students thinking in Physical Education classes

Santos, Jorge; Batista, Marco; Serrano, João; Honório, Samuel; Ivone, Rente

Attention is also considered an influential mediating variable because it influences the teaching-learning process, as well as the teacher's behavior, the student's behavior, and the learning results. According to this factor, focused attention arises as a funda- mental condition of the learning process since the greater the ability to maintain focus on a particular object or task, the better the chance of succ...

The importance of oriented physical activity in the first 48 months : differenc...

Rebelo, Miguel; Serrano, João; Paulo, Rui; Duarte-Mendes, Pedro; Santos, Jorge; Honório, Samuel; Petrica, João

Background: The importance of physical activity in the first months of age is well known, however, with the evolution of the urban environment, the excessive workload of parents and the excessive time in growing up in kindergartens has limited this same free practice and little has been studied about this issue. In Portugal, there are institutions that provide oriented physical activity for their children, howe...

A relação entre as necessidades psicológicas básicas e da motivação autónoma no...

Santos, Jorge; Domingues, Ana Margarida Martins; Batista, Marco; Serrano, João; Honório, Samuel; Rente, Ivone; Petrica, João

A comunidade técnica e científica está consciente do papel da atividade física na motivação e do bem-estar que dela advém para o praticante, e que o aprofundar destes conhecimentos para atletas com Dificuldade Intelectual e Desenvolvimental de Desporto Adaptado é apresentado, enquanto um trunfo para criar estratégias por parte dos seus treinadores. Neste estudo transversal participaram 94 atletas com Dificuldad...

Livro de Resumos - II Congresso Internacional de Atividade Física

Petrica, João; Serrano, João; Faustino, António; Ramalho, André; Trindade, Bruno; Mesquita, Helena; Rocha, João; Santos, Jorge; Batista, Marco

O 2º Congresso Internacional de Atividade Física, realizado nos dias 28, 29 e 30 de setembro de 2023, em Castelo Branco, sob a organização da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e da Sport, Health & Exercise Research Unit – SHERU, receberam a participação de docentes, investigadores e estudantes europeus, no domínio da atividade física e do desporto, provenientes de Portugal, ...

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