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Forecasting closures on shellfish farms using machine learning

O’Donncha, Fearghal; Akhriev, Albert; Fragoso, Bruno; Icely, John

Biotoxins and harmful algal blooms (HABs) are damaging to aquaculture operations. Occurrences lead to disrupted operations, fish kills, and significant risks to human health. The conditions leading to blooms are driven by known, but complex processes. Heuristics exist about the drivers but the nonlinearity and opaqueness of relationships make it difficult to resolve using traditional rule-based mathematical mod...

Dinoflagellate assemblages in the west iberian upwelling region (Sagres, Portug...

Danchenko, Sergei; Dodge, John David; Icely, John; Newton, Alice

Changes in the composition of dinoflagellates from 1994 to 2001 at a station influenced by wind-induced seasonal upwelling off SW Portugal were analyzed in relation to oceanography. 194 taxa of dinoflagellates were detected, the most frequent belonged to the genera Tripos, Protoperidinium, Dinophysis, Diplopsalopsis, Prorocentrum and Lingulodinium. The composition of dinoflagellate communities followed a season...

Assessing the effectiveness of management measures in the Ria Formosa coastal l...

Newton, Alice; Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel; March, David; Goela, Priscila; Cristina, Sónia; Zacarias, Marta; Icely, John

The Ria Formosa is an important transitional and coastal lagoon on the south coast of Portugal that provides valuable ecosystem services. The lagoon is a protected area under national and international conventions. There is a great potential for Blue Growth sectors, such as aquaculture and coastal tourism, but these rely on good water quality. European environmental legislation, such as the Water Framework Dire...

Electronic waste, an environmental problem exported to developing countries: Th...

Abalansa, Samuel; El Mahrad, Badr; Icely, John; Newton, Alice

Electronic waste (e-waste) is a rapidly developing environmental problem particularly for the most developed countries. There are technological solutions for processing it, but these are costly, and the cheaper option for most developed countries has been to export most of the waste to less developed countries. There are various laws and policies for regulating the processing of e-waste at different governance ...

A importância do mundo invisível dos micróbios na Ria Formosa

Mendes, Pedro; Galvão, Helena; Caetano, Sandra; Icely, John; Newton, Alice

Com o desenvolvimento da microscopia de epifluorescência e técnicas sensíveis de radioisótopos na década de 1970, a abundância e atividade de microrganismos pôde ser observada e estudada em águas marinhas. Estas observações resultaram num novo conceito de rápida transferência e reciclagem de matéria orgânica através de um ciclo microbiano, o “microbial loop”.

Os satélites como instrumentos de aprendizagem e auxílio da Ria Formosa

Cristina, Sónia; Icely, John; Newton, Alice

A aprendizagem e a compreensão de como um sistema dinâmico como a Ria Formosa evolui ao longo do tempo é imprescindível para a sua preservação. Os satélites de Observação da Terra do programa Europeu Copernicus levam a bordo sensores que permitem medir parâmetros essenciais para o conhecimento da Ria Formosa, tais como: a temperatura, a topografia da superfície do oceano, a cor do mar, a cobertura vegetal e as ...

Anthropogenic, Direct Pressures on Coastal Wetlands

Newton, Alice; Icely, John; Cristina, Sonia; Perillo, Gerardo M. E.; Turner, R. Eugene; Ashan, Dewan; Cragg, Simon; Luo, Yongming; Tu, Chen; Li, Yuan

Coastal wetlands, such as saltmarshes and mangroves that fringe transitional waters, deliver important ecosystem services that support human development. Coastal wetlands are complex social-ecological systems that occur at all latitudes, from polar regions to the tropics. This overview covers wetlands in five continents. The wetlands are of varying size, catchment size, human population and stages of economic d...

Social-environmental analysis for the management of coastal lagoons in North Af...

El Mahrad, Badr; Abalansa, Samuel; Newton, Alice; Icely, John; Snoussi, Maria; Kacimi, Ilias

This study provides an overview of 11 lagoons in North Africa, from the Atlantic to the Eastern Mediterranean. Lagoons are complex, transitional, coastal zones providing valuable ecosystem services that contribute to the welfare of the human population. The main economic sectors in the lagoons included fishing, shellfish harvesting, and salt and sand extraction, as well as maritime transport. Economic sectors i...

Anthropogenic, direct pressures on coastal wetlands

Newton, Alice; Icely, John; Cristina, Sónia; Perillo, Gerardo M. E.; Turner, R. Eugene; Ashan, Dewan; Cragg, Simon; Luo, Yongming; Tu, Chen; Li, Yuan

Coastal wetlands, such as saltmarshes and mangroves that fringe transitional waters, deliver important ecosystem services that support human development. Coastal wetlands are complex social-ecological systems that occur at all latitudes, from polar regions to the tropics. This overview covers wetlands in five continents. The wetlands are of varying size, catchment size, human population and stages of economic d...

Contribution of remote sensing technologies to a holistic coastal and marine en...

El Mahrad, Badr; Newton, Alice; Icely, John; Kacimi, Ilias; Abalansa, Samuel; Snoussi, Maria

Coastal and marine management require the evaluation of multiple environmental threats and issues. However, there are gaps in the necessary data and poor access or dissemination of existing data in many countries around the world. This research identifies how remote sensing can contribute to filling these gaps so that environmental agencies, such as the United Nations Environmental Programme, European Environme...

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