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Exuberant Cutaneous Involvement in a Primary Herpes Simplex Virus Infection

Machado, Sara Nogueira; Ferreira, Cecília Gomes; Lobo, Ana Luísa; Vilarinho, Catarina

Recurrent parotitis in children- case series and literature review

Mendes, Ana Raquel; Moreira, Liane; Dias, Ângela; Lopes, Andreia; Lobo, Ana Luísa; Simão, Teresa São

Introduction: Recurrent parotitis is defined as the occurrence of two or more episodes of the parotid gland. Several etiologies should be addressed in the approach to these patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical, laboratory, and imaging profile of children with recurrent parotitis. Material and Methods: Retrospective review of the medical records of patients referred to a Pediatric Outp...

Recurrent parotitis in children- case series and literature review

Mendes, Ana Raquel; Moreira, Liane; Dias, Ângela; Lopes, Andreia; Lobo, Ana Luísa; Simão, Teresa São

Introduction: Recurrent parotitis is defined as the occurrence of two or more episodes of the parotid gland. Several etiologies should be addressed in the approach to these patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical, laboratory, and imaging profile of children with recurrent parotitis. Material and Methods: Retrospective review of the medical records of patients referred to a Pediatric Outp...

Acute alithiasic cholecystitis and human herpes virus type-6 infection: first case

Gomes, Maria Miguel; Antunes, Henedina; Lobo, Ana Luísa; Branca, Fernando; Pinto, Jorge Correia; Pinto, João Moreira

A three-year-old male child presented with erythematous maculopapular nonpruritic generalized rash, poor feeding, vomiting, and cramping generalized abdominal pain. He was previously healthy and there was no family history of immunologic or other diseases. On examination he was afebrile, hemodynamically stable, with painful palpation of the right upper quadrant and positive Murphy's sign. Laboratory tests revea...

Sindrome da Cutis Laxa Ligada ao X: Caso Clínico

Lobo, Ana Luísa; Teixeira, Sandra; Tomás, Edite; Azevedo, Afonso; Reis, Armando

A Síndrome da Cutis Laxa Ligada ao X ou síndrome do "Corno Occipital" é uma doença genética rara, de transmissão recessiva ligada ao cromossoma X, associada a um defeito do metabolismo do cobre. Apresenta-se um caso clínico deste síndrome numa criança com hiperlaxidez articular, hérnias inguinais recidivantes, fragilidade cutânea e ainda malformação urológica associando uma obstrução pieloureteral à direita e v...

Anemia Neonatal Grave por Hemorragia Feto-Materna. Caso Clínico

Lobo, Ana Luísa; Tomás, Edite; Pereira da Silva, Francisco; Barbot, José; Raposo, Teresa

Na gravidez, a hemorragia feto-materna grave ocorre em cerca de um por 1000 partos, e um em cada 2000 está associado a uma transfusão feto-materna de 100 ml ou mais. O mecanismo da passagem de células fetais para a circulação materna não está totalmente esclarecido. O risco aumenta nos casos de pré-eclâmpsia, eclâmpsia, partos instrumentais, cesarianas e traumatismo abdominal. A quantificação aproximada do volu...

Líquen espinuloso

Dias, Ângela; Santalha, Marta; Magalhães, Catarina; Lobo, Ana Luísa; Pereira, Olga

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