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Computed Tomography versus Sleep Endoscopy (DISE) to Predict the Effectiveness ...

Cebola, P; Caroça, C; Donato, H; Campos, A; Dias, SS; Paço, J; Manso, C

Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder with a high prevalence in the world population. The mandibular advancement device is one of the options for treating obstructive sleep apnea. Neck computed tomography and drug-induced sleep endoscopy are complementary diagnostic tests that may help predict the effectiveness of mandibular advancement devices. This study aims to analyze the best method for predicting th...

Alcohol and resistance to infections.

Manso, C

The main defense mechanisms of the human body are described. The essential steps of the immune responses are summarized, emphasising the importance of cytokines, especially II-1, TNF and TGF. Alcohol acts as an immunosuppressor in different ways, namely through suppression of TNF synthesis. The consequence is the appearance of respiratory infections, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, AIDS, infections and cance...

Date: 2001   |   Origin: Acta Médica Portuguesa

Aging and free radicals.

Manso, C

Several theories on aging are presented. All of them give important contributions but none explains all the aspects of the problem. Oxygen radicals produced during cellular combustion contribute to aging through multiple cumulative microlesions throughout life. The importance of glucose is emphasized; it forms early and late Maillard compounds. Other causes of aging are discussed.; Several theories on aging are...

Date: 1992   |   Origin: Acta Médica Portuguesa

Activity of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase in chronic alcoholic liver disease.

Pinto, C; Galvão-Teles, A; Monteiro, E; Marques, C; Azevedo, M; Manso, C

Serum N-acetyl-B-glucosaminidase (NAG) activity was determined in a control group of 76 normal people and in 23 patients with hepatic cirrhosis: 15 non-compensated patients and 8 with compensated chronic liver fibrosis. NAG is significantly increased in the non-compensated group--mean value of 931.67 units vs 637.71 units for the controls (p less than 0.001). There is no significant elevation regarding the comp...

Date: 1990   |   Origin: Acta Médica Portuguesa

Paraquat and diquat: mechanisms of toxicity.

Lopes, A T; Manso, C

The authors review the mechanisms of paraquat and diquat toxicity. They discuss the generation of multiple toxic active forms of oxygen. The pulmonary concentration of paraquat seems to be due to a mechanism of active concentration, which seems to be used by polyamines and diamines in normal situations. Considerations on therapeutics attempts are made.; The authors review the mechanisms of paraquat and diquat t...

Date: 1989   |   Origin: Acta Médica Portuguesa

Relation of thyroid hormones with the total and specific serum activity of N-ac...

Pinto, C; Galvão-Teles, A; Marques, C; Manso, C

Total serum N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), isoenzyme A (labile) and isoenzyme B (stable) activities were determined in euthyroid controls and in thyroid disease. In twenty hyperthyroid individuals total NAG (856.9 +/- 122,676 nmols/h/ml and isoenzyme A (490.3 +/- 93.592) as well as isoenzyme B (361.6 +/- 66,371), were higher than the levels in nineteen hypothyroid [total NAG = 533.105 +/- 97.927 (p less...

Date: 1989   |   Origin: Acta Médica Portuguesa

Microalbuminuria in type I and type II diabetics without hypertension. A preview.

Duarte, R; André, O; Caldeira, J; Lisboa, P; Azevedo, M; Manso, C

Date: 1988   |   Origin: Acta Médica Portuguesa

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