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Screening for light personalities in Portugal: a cross-cultural validation of t...

Pechorro, Pedro; Baptista, Makilim N.; Bonfá-Araujo, Bruno; Nunes, Cristina; DeLisi, Matthew

The Light Triad of personality refers to three prosocial personality traits-Faith in Humanity, Humanism, and Kantianism-that promote the worth and dignity of other people, focus on ethical behavior and empathy, and confidence that other people are naturally good. The aim of the present study is to examine the psychometric properties of the Light Triad Scale (LTS)-Portuguese version. Our convenience sample consi...

Nota editorial

Nunes, Cristina

Nota editorial. Psique vol 20, nº1

Análise psicométrica das escalas de defensividade e validade do Weinberger Adju...

Pechorro, Pedro; Nunes, Cristina; Paulino, Mauro; R. Simões, Mário

O presente artigo tem como principal objetivo examinar as propriedades psicométricas das escalas de defensividade e de validade do Inventário de Ajustamento de Weinberger (Weinberger Adjustment Inventory - WAI) numa amostra de jovens adultos portugueses (N=610, M=21.33 anos, DP=3.09) provenientes de meio universitário. Os resultados da análise fatorial confirmatória indicaram a presença de uma estrutura tridime...

Is there a right number? The fragmentation of interest representation in Portug...

Rego, Raquel; Nunes, Cristina; Pita, Tatiana

In many countries, the right of police to unionise has still not been achieved or has only recently taken place. After dec- ades of pressure, Portuguese police gained the right to unionise in the 21st century. Following legislation in 2002, several national police unions appeared and, in 2019, they had reached a disproportionate total of 19 unions, while working con- ditions were deteriorating and a Facebook-or...

Vulnerability to suicide ideation: Comparative study between adolescents with a...

Brás, Marta; Elias, Patrícia; Ferreira Cunha, Francisca; Martins, Cátia; Nunes, Cristina; Carmo, Cláudia

Adolescents are characterized as a risk group for suicide, being the fourth leading cause of death in young people. The main aim was to compare vulnerability to suicidal ideation in a sample of young people with and without psychosocial risk. The total sample consisted of 137 adolescents, aged between 10 and 19 years (M = 14.76; SD = 1.40), and it was composed of two groups—the psychosocial risk group (n = 60) ...

The dark side of multimedia devices: negative consequences for socioemotional d...

Rocha, Bruno; Ferreira, Laura Inês; Martins, Cátia; Santos, Rita; Nunes, Cristina

There is growing concern about the relationship between screen use by young children and negative effects on their development, as children with developmental and socioemotional impairments tend to have difficulties in their relationships and increased academic problems. The aim of our study was to analyse the relationship between the use of multimedia devices and paediatric symptoms in children below 5 years o...

Propensity to morally disengage scale: psychometric properties and measurement ...

Pechorro, Pedro; Bonfá-Araujo, Bruno; Simões, Mário R.; Nunes, Cristina; DeLisi, Matt

The propensity to morally disengage can be an essential driver of unethical, antisocial, and criminal behavior. The present study examines the psychometric properties of the Propensity to Morally Disengage Scale (PMDS) among a convenience sample of 242 male and female participants (M = 30.19 years, SD = 12.78, range = 16-77) from Portugal. The expected one-factor structure obtained an adequate fit using confirm...

Projeto REP – Questionário a sindicatos e associações de empregadores, 2021

Rego, Raquel; Espírito-Santo, Ana; Nunes, Cristina; Costa, Hermes Augusto

Um dos objetivos do projeto REP era descrever em extensão a representatividade de sindicatos e associações de empregadores portugueses a partir de um conceito multifacetado de representação, que previsse uma dimensão descritiva (por exemplo discriminando quem são os dirigentes) e uma dimensão substantiva (contemplando questões como o procedimento de auscultação dos associados). Neste sentido, foi criado um inqu...

Parenting Alliance Inventory (PAI): Psychometric properties in at psychosocial ...

Nunes, Cristina; Ayala-Nunes, Lara; Pechorro, Pedro; Dias, Mariana; Ferreira, Laura Inês; Martins, Cátia

Parenting alliance concerns the degree of cooperation between the caregivers regarding child-rearing. It is a key dimension for an adequate family functioning, particularly in at-risk families, who face increased challenges. This investigation aimed to validate and examine the psychometric properties of the Parenting Alliance Inventory (PAI), one of the most used measures to assess this construct, using a sampl...

Validation of the Conduct Disorder Screener among Portuguese youths

Palma, Victor Hugo; Pechorro, Pedro; Neves de Jesus, Saúl; Nunes, Cristina

Conduct Disorder (CD) may be related to persistent and severe delinquency behaviors in adolescence. It can last into adulthood and be a precursor to Antisocial Personality Disorder. Considering the strong consensus regarding the need for prevention and early intervention in youths with CD, due to the negative impact they have on society, the Conduct Disorder Screener (CDS) can fill a significant gap in quickly ...

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