
Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia

RevSALUS - International Scientific Journal of RACS is property of the Academic Network of Health Sciences of Lusophone. Created in 2019, it is a scientific journal in Portuguese language, with open access, whose purpose is to promote the diffusion of the scientific production in all health areas or applied to them. RevSALUS - International Scientific Journal of RACS (webiste) has a quarterly periodicity and it is available online (eISSN 2184-836X) and in paper format (ISSN 2184-4860). RevSALUS publishes original articles, review articles, case reports, experience reports, images in health sciences, editorials, scientific opinion articles, critical reviews, letters to the editor and biographical highlights. The journal has free submission and publication exclusively for authors who are members of RACS - Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia. Authors from institutions that are not members of RACS are obliged to pay for article processing charges if their article is accepted for publication.. RevSALUS’ editorial policy preserves copyright of published articles according to the journal’s rules.

  • Number of documents 382


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