Document details

Immature Personality Disorder: Contribution to the Definition of this Personality

Author(s): Almeida, Fernando ; Ribeiro, Patrícia ; Moreira, Diana

Date: 2019

Persistent ID:

Origin: Repositório Científico da UMaia

Subject(s): Mental disorder; Immature personality


In clinical practice, psychiatrists, psychologists and other professionals claim, when appropriate, that an individual has an immature personality. Consulting the ICD-10 or the DSM-5, we found that IPD is not specifically referenced in the DSM-5 and, although it is referenced in the ICD-10, which includes, in Other Personality Disorders (F60.8), the “eccentric, haltlose type, immature, narcissistic, passive-aggressive and psychoneurotic personality (disorder)”, there is no explanation of the criteria of any of the personality disorder (PD) included in F60.8. This paper describes the case studies of two patients and aims to help to fill a gap in the major classifications of mental disorders. Empirical studies are needed to better define the diagnostic criteria and the fundamental diagnostic criteria for a better structuring of immature personality disorder.

Document Type Journal article
Language English
Contributor(s) Repositório Científico da UMAIA
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