Detalhes do Documento

Global exponential stability of nonautonomous neural network models with continuous distributed delays

Autor(es): Esteves, Salete ; Gokmen, Elçin ; Oliveira, José J.

Data: 2013

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Origem: RepositóriUM - Universidade do Minho

Assunto(s): Hopfield neural network; BAM neural network; Time-varying coefficient; Distributed time delay; Periodic solution; Global exponential stability; Science & Technology


For a family of non-autonomous differential equations with distributed delays, we give sufficient conditions for the global exponential stability of an equilibrium point. This family includes most of the delayed models of neural networks of Hopfield type, with time-varying coefficients and distributed delays. For these models, we establish sufficient conditions for their global exponential stability. The existence and global exponential stability of a periodic solution is also addressed. A comparison of results shows that these results are general, news, and add something new to some earlier publications.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Tipo de Documento Artigo científico
Idioma Inglês
Contribuidor(es) Universidade do Minho
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